- The flying Neon
- Getting Neon to cooperate.
- The story retold.
- Releasing Neon
- Broken brain.
- Inside the closet.
- Happy Holidays
- Let the torture begin.
- The key to the captives release.
- Feeding the captive again.
- The introduction of Britney
- Key to the cage.
- Neon's story
- Feeding the captive.
- Hamlet
- After the blast
- Hero time.
- The one armed man did it.
- One shot
- The next robot masters.
- Neon's Birthday
- Miguel's Birthday!!!!!
- Closet and Popcorn
- Checking if he is alive.
- Torture and Item storage.
- Ducking and Catching
- The Challenge begins.
- A challenge
- The introduction of Neon.
- The return of ED.
- Dr.Light is alive! but Miguel is in trouble.
- Opening the damn door.
- Finding Dr.Light.
- Getting back to the lab.
- Introduction of Miguel
- Defeat of gutsman
- Gutsman Fight
- Reaching Gutsman
- Mission begins and Dr.lights Panties
- My mission
- Power of 1ups
- The first kill
- The story begins
- Title screen
Author notes
Yea I had Neon tell Britney how this all started. Yes I shorten the story but hey its what I planed on using as the plot of how it we got into this universe.
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