Makeshift Man
Author notes
MM Issue #1...Now in Tangible Form for YOU!
DeadSquirrelJoJo onSuper exciting news, y'all! The Makeshift Man issue #1 is now on sale in these very internets…so that you can get your mitts all over a real, physical, tangible copy of your very own! Be not too alarmed by my expression in this photo; I'm actually quite pleased with the print results. Actually, I was astonished to see how well it printed. The colors look almost exactly like the original paintings…which is saying a lot considering how many generations the printed book is necessarily removed from the fountain.
What I mean, of course, is that this is a high-quality object. Twenty-eight pages, rich full color, advertisement free…and it can be yours for a measley five American dollars.
There's two ways to get this. You can:
A) Order the book directly from IndyPlanet. They will send it to your door!
B) Send me an inquiring email ( jojo(dot)deadsquirrel(at)gmail(dot)com ) if you'd like your copy signed. Still only five bucks, plus another five for shipping materials and postage. An extra fiver will get you an original drawing along with your comic. I'm quickly running out of my comic supply on-hand, so don't delay in ordering if you want your copy quick!
(Other relevant news: issue #2 is now in production. ^__~)
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