
Author notes

13 + 14
Kriffix onAlright! Double page spread FIN!
I had a lot of fun with this so it didn't take as long as expected!
Like i said from now on the story should pick up a little, I'm not thinking of this webcomic as many might, i'm treating it as I would a Manga if i were doing a chapter a week like in Japan.
By that i mean that i'm not trying to make a predictable story, it's not all sunshine and above all i won't sacrifice pacing in order to get the plot points and suprises out there as soon as possible (Normally webcomickers don't have a choice as we don't get paid and so just end up throwing everything we've got out there to try to pull in new readers ).
Although IMO the downside to throwing everything out there and sacrificing pacing is that you give the reader less time to care about the story and characters which makes these "big plot points" to some extent redundant. In other words i believe they wouldn't have the impact that they would had they been done at a pace that suits the story as opposed to the creators tight schedule.
Any thoughts on this?
Please read comment if you have a spare moment! 8D
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