Mayle and Mayhem

Author notes

Page 15: Apologies
Triss onOkay, here is the shaded version, finally. I actually did another version in between, but that one got messed up, too. I deleted the unshaded page… the ugliness and the horrible violent background were enough to make me gag.
I know this page is titled "Apologies", but perhaps a better title would be "Triss discovers the gaussian blur tool and is inordinately proud of herself". Yes, a combination of the smudge and blur tools has added a level of sophistication to the shading of the comic that I never thought possible. It has also added several hours to the completion time as I wrestle with said tools in my ancient version of Photoshop.
I am rediculously proud of May'le's braids in the 2nd panel. Someone needs to deflate my ego.
And I recolored Phia's dress… it was too much of an eyesore before. Also, she's not breathing smoke in the first panel, just sighing. She's really emo today.
In case you missed the original version and are desperately curious:
Here's the first version: Why I Hate Photoshop I of III
Here's the second version:
Why I Hate Photoshop II of III
And the current version super huge (so you can see the res I work at): Why I Hate Photoshop III of III
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