
Author notes

Page 19
Theskunktrainer onI like this page :3 I had fun with it. So yeah… a lot of this is based on real science… I was pretty much a geek when I was younger and I've always been fascinated by science, especially science dealing with the history of the universe. And dinosaurs. Discover magazine over People anyways. XD
So the multiple dimension thing is actually based off an article I read a long time ago in Discover, about a theory for the origin of the universe- something about how each dimension or whatever (and there's a bunch) is sort of "bumpy" in terms of… space… and every once in a while they all just sort of smack together, and then the Big Bang happens. That's the vague idea, that I read about 5+ years ago. XD
Certain parts of your brain DO disconnect when you sleep… maybe this isn't necessarily what happens… but it could. XD
Oh: my mom was like "I read through your comic today- why were you sleeping with the roommate? Was your roommate hugging you naked??" And I was really confused… and like "Um, what are we talking about?" And then I realized she was referring to a page a few weeks ago, and I was like "Um, it's a comic. That didn't really happen. And I'm not the main character any more than I am the naked girl." I mean really- I understand that I am not a fictional character… sigh. I AM capable of MAKING THINGS UP.
-at camp right now. Still at home as I type this, but I doubt I'm going to be able to pull off once a week updates while I'm there. We'll see I guess-
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