Meet Amy Rose

Author notes

#18 - Being naughty by being raunchy!
Arc onSorry for the huge gap between updates guys, I've nearly finished my exams (the last one is on Monday :D) so more comics should be returning soon. And I hope that it was worth the wait. ^_^
And now you know why Amy didn't bother mentioning Knuckles earlier, she thinks he's a complete pervert. (Which as we'll see later on, that's not all he is.)
Sorry for the bit-mixing, I've had little time to find the sprite that I needed and i don't want this to just go and die just because of one little thing. I also couldn't think of what to use as a TV and after remembering a comic called "Tony The Hedgehog" it seemed like a reasonable choice. (Sorry if it really bugs ya)
I'm also hoping on making a few adjustments to the template, hope fully, I won't get it messed up.
Obama will offcially become President of the USA pretty soon now. O:
See ya Later
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