Megaman Zero First Prev - moving - the battle contiuses - Forms - final... Oh wait. - Ouch!! - Arch-angel.. alpha?! - Evil... powers up? - Alpha's playin hardball - wall rammer - Coronal Ikari - X buster MKII - Ic-ic-ic-icebreaker! - Tables have turned part 2 - The tables have turned. part one. - sorry for no updates - filler - Protoman arives - WAHHHHHH! TTOTT - Power sapper - Rabbit surpirse - Alpha vs. Zero 3 - who is... - Alpha vs. Zero 2 - It get's worse - Alpha vs. Zero 1 - Alpha and Zero - Calling all troops... MOVE out! - ... I'm stalling.. so what of it?! - War zone - What they are up to. - Attack! - Why are you... - Get Cutman.... - Missing the action - last filler for a while - Filler Bloodedge form - Filler and sorry... - Altes comes to the comic. - What is going on now? - Placeing bets now... - Micheal and Gutsman - Flipped off - Alpha's back.... - hurt Ch.8 Battle of the mind - Page 300! end of chatper 7 - Reget? - The first. - spinal ripping - Sailor Dude - This is why the Mets made there own place after the end of the megaman games. - -filler- Scary T.V. people - The temple - She knows a lot. - back to it - Father - flirting on the battle feild - Battle on / Tests - crack. - the battle. - the meeting. - Backstory / Teenanger Ch.7 Of ones we love and lost - the start of a tale. - Unpause - Filler: My first pic with shading - Filler: Angel fun - Punsment - going to see phantoms fate. - MMZ Restared - a posable restart part 5 - a posable restart part 4 - a posable restart part 3 - a posable restart part 2 - a posable restart? - my birthday - Cyber plane - Z.E.R.O and Kira - Cyber plane - Needing L's help. - Cyber plane - Talk and T.V. - Cyber Plane - Roll Explances - Cyber Plane - Megaman - Cyber Plane - Enter the Author. - Cyber plane- Don't say anything. - Stalling for time. - Cyber Plane - Screen time - (semi filler) L want's Cake - Reunited - Explantion? - Where is he - the group is together.. Again? - Walked in on. - Motive. - Dismissed - A brake? O.o Ch.6 The calm before the storm. - End of Ch. 5 - Battle End. - Micheal Vs Omega 5 - New style/ Micheal vs. Omega 4 - Micheal Vs. Omega 3 - Micheal vs. Omega2 - Micheal vs. Omega1 - Battle time. Micheal vs. Omega start - Message - She is save now. - Back in the present... - I won a contest^^ - End of Bass - Saved. - Damn... - Oh.. Crap... - New comic, Wall-E the Sprite Comic - Let's go. - Go Metman! GO! - A stop in time - Time travling time. - Birth of the third Metman. - Staff Meeting is boring.... - Dream's of Omega7/ Death of Tayes? - Dream's of Omega6/ !!!!! - Dream's of Omega5/ Battle time. - Tayes The Met "Man"/ Dreams of Omega4 - Armor of Metman - One by one. - In the mouth - the Met temple - Fill-R two - whoa - Fill-R - Switched Shirts - Talkin Met - Ambushe - time to go. - the Morning after - Back at the Base #5 - Back at the Base #5 - Back at the Base #4 - Back at the Base #3 - Back at the Base #2 - Back at the base #1 - Rest - Onwards! - Ulthor Scared Metter - Unseeable - Go metter go! - #200 - Long wait - Over the water and thought the woods.../ Zero is ok^^ - Aquamet - Jim.C. Mata Ch.5 The adventures of Metter and Metman? - Ch.4 end. - Anthony saves the day! - Micheal vs. Zero 4 - Micheal Vs. Zero 3 - Michael vs. Zero 2 - Micheal vs. Zero - Into the stairs - Axl vs. Michael - Got to go. - Smack! right in the kisser. - Meanwhile... - Backup - Ow! - Verble Battle - MIstaken identity - The last two. - Harpuia's Nightmare. - Whoa! wait! - Fudgemonkeys? - Back into the armor - Snake is there. - Battle Wages on. - Back to harpunia - WingZero and the Turks - Sna-wait.. it's anthony? ??? - BUMP - hehehehehehe. - New comic - Wha.... Well... it's almost the same.... - Harp is scerwed.... hehehe. - Yea.... - What does he see... Hmmmmm... - Blast the door - Wait.. isn't this the same as..... - Harpina is on his own. - A quistion - *shuffle* *shuffle* - Tri-pass - Now in the base... - Revealing the Base - And we are done with driving for a while... - -filler- To much Rping... - No real update... - She's back in the suit. - Ceil can be evil^^/ She can hear him now? - Volt found out... - (Can't think of a title....) - camping... - Stoping to yell... - Hit the Box!!! - Snake is back! - The Radio's are down... - Sam - Finish him! - Enter Ceil... - This is a Joke.... - He goes on and on... - Aunbis Necromancis III - Vero for the save!!! - Of couse they know.... - Go Vero! Go! - Vero is here! - the best part to waking up... - When Zombie's attack - Dreams of Omega3/Waking the dead. - Advertizement... MMZ Outtakes - Dreams of Omega 2 - Huh? What?! - Time to escape. - Her ride there... - Samus's Suit. - the ride there/ Now How are you going to do that? - Boy... He just don't get it... - Oh No He didn't... - And then that happens... - Hurry up and wait. - Filler... - Idiot! or Not... - You just had to say... - ..... Geno still don't get it. - Back to the story/There is no Mario... - Does anyone remember him? - LOL! Filler. - Oh boy... - Wait... WHAT?! - Heh, Geno. - Let's move the story along... - Don't ask... - Boommm!!!!!!!! - Fight!!!!! - Smack!!! - Is there any peace on the base? - Dream of Omega/He's awake... Chapter 4 Prepare for war. - #100!/ Ch.3 end - Geno goes off on Omega - Oh Nose!!! - To battle/L - Let's go. - Light's Sprites/filler... - Thinking... - Newcomer: Geno! - L sprites/Filler - horsie! - Whoa...Help Volt! Help! - Waking up to trouble - Arch-Angel And Vero - Reasons - Omega is the Chaos Program? - The Light Family. - Mega Ewww... - It's also a filler! - Michael Omega or I don't want to leave him. - Enter Snake or Useless... - Real Update? - Pointless chatter... or Waking up to yourself. - Coma. - Twiching Time... - I'm back! - What? - Wily and Omega? - Chaos Program - Happy Turkey Day/Thanksgiving Day. Ch.3 Forgotten Memory - Mixed ends... also End of CH2. - Ceil loves Zero. - This is a Filler!!! - Aftermath of Omegas attack. - Sorry. - GTFO Now Omega. - Omega Fights Dirty! - Cov asked me to do this... - Ouch... just ouch. - That has to hurt. - An Eye for an eye...(sorta) - Omega falls faster that Zero. - Got him. - Zero to the rescue. - Nooooo! - Pray. - It's.... OMEGA! - Oh...crap. - Take that Elpizo! - this did not happen. - He whats? - Pizza! Taco! God! why won't they shut up about it! - Them? Friends? What? - Who the heck? - Do you? - The man who can. - And this is a normal Day. - I saw this on deviantart - Met crying... - Go met Go! - Run met! Run! - Double update! - Sorry... - Metter's advencher part 4 - Metter's advencher part 3 - Metter's advencher part 2 - Metter's advencher part 1 - Weil is so evil. - That is all he has. Ch 2/ Omega - Ch1 end. - WingZero - Censorship - hehe... - poor shadowkunxx... - Return of Phantom and Kittykaboom part 3 - return of phantom and kittykaboom part 2 - return of phantom and kittykaboom. - Fefnir and the random things! - He say Wha...? - Volt can Talk...Sort of. - Zero's Dream #2 - ..... He dies. - Dreaming #1 - Bye bye Pantom. - X is no fun. - Those two are here. - Could not stop it. - Warning!!! - Hapuna pisses off Phantom - Die Elpizo! Die. - Panatom the Perv... - Blam! You want to say... - His name is Volt/Pizza Vs. Taco/Ouch!!! - It's Volt! - meeding X - ...Shut up - I'll take the ground, you take the air! - Zero's Promise Title Next Last First Prev - moving - the battle contiuses - Forms - final... Oh wait. - Ouch!! - Arch-angel.. alpha?! - Evil... powers up? - Alpha's playin hardball - wall rammer - Coronal Ikari - X buster MKII - Ic-ic-ic-icebreaker! - Tables have turned part 2 - The tables have turned. part one. - sorry for no updates - filler - Protoman arives - WAHHHHHH! TTOTT - Power sapper - Rabbit surpirse - Alpha vs. Zero 3 - who is... - Alpha vs. Zero 2 - It get's worse - Alpha vs. Zero 1 - Alpha and Zero - Calling all troops... MOVE out! - ... I'm stalling.. so what of it?! - War zone - What they are up to. - Attack! - Why are you... - Get Cutman.... - Missing the action - last filler for a while - Filler Bloodedge form - Filler and sorry... - Altes comes to the comic. - What is going on now? - Placeing bets now... - Micheal and Gutsman - Flipped off - Alpha's back.... - hurt Ch.8 Battle of the mind - Page 300! end of chatper 7 - Reget? - The first. - spinal ripping - Sailor Dude - This is why the Mets made there own place after the end of the megaman games. - -filler- Scary T.V. people - The temple - She knows a lot. - back to it - Father - flirting on the battle feild - Battle on / Tests - crack. - the battle. - the meeting. - Backstory / Teenanger Ch.7 Of ones we love and lost - the start of a tale. - Unpause - Filler: My first pic with shading - Filler: Angel fun - Punsment - going to see phantoms fate. - MMZ Restared - a posable restart part 5 - a posable restart part 4 - a posable restart part 3 - a posable restart part 2 - a posable restart? - my birthday - Cyber plane - Z.E.R.O and Kira - Cyber plane - Needing L's help. - Cyber plane - Talk and T.V. - Cyber Plane - Roll Explances - Cyber Plane - Megaman - Cyber Plane - Enter the Author. - Cyber plane- Don't say anything. - Stalling for time. - Cyber Plane - Screen time - (semi filler) L want's Cake - Reunited - Explantion? - Where is he - the group is together.. Again? - Walked in on. - Motive. - Dismissed - A brake? O.o Ch.6 The calm before the storm. - End of Ch. 5 - Battle End. - Micheal Vs Omega 5 - New style/ Micheal vs. Omega 4 - Micheal Vs. Omega 3 - Micheal vs. Omega2 - Micheal vs. Omega1 - Battle time. Micheal vs. Omega start - Message - She is save now. - Back in the present... - I won a contest^^ - End of Bass - Saved. - Damn... - Oh.. Crap... - New comic, Wall-E the Sprite Comic - Let's go. - Go Metman! GO! - A stop in time - Time travling time. - Birth of the third Metman. - Staff Meeting is boring.... - Dream's of Omega7/ Death of Tayes? - Dream's of Omega6/ !!!!! - Dream's of Omega5/ Battle time. - Tayes The Met "Man"/ Dreams of Omega4 - Armor of Metman - One by one. - In the mouth - the Met temple - Fill-R two - whoa - Fill-R - Switched Shirts - Talkin Met - Ambushe - time to go. - the Morning after - Back at the Base #5 - Back at the Base #5 - Back at the Base #4 - Back at the Base #3 - Back at the Base #2 - Back at the base #1 - Rest - Onwards! - Ulthor Scared Metter - Unseeable - Go metter go! - #200 - Long wait - Over the water and thought the woods.../ Zero is ok^^ - Aquamet - Jim.C. Mata Ch.5 The adventures of Metter and Metman? - Ch.4 end. - Anthony saves the day! - Micheal vs. Zero 4 - Micheal Vs. Zero 3 - Michael vs. Zero 2 - Micheal vs. Zero - Into the stairs - Axl vs. Michael - Got to go. - Smack! right in the kisser. - Meanwhile... - Backup - Ow! - Verble Battle - MIstaken identity - The last two. - Harpuia's Nightmare. - Whoa! wait! - Fudgemonkeys? - Back into the armor - Snake is there. - Battle Wages on. - Back to harpunia - WingZero and the Turks - Sna-wait.. it's anthony? ??? - BUMP - hehehehehehe. - New comic - Wha.... Well... it's almost the same.... - Harp is scerwed.... hehehe. - Yea.... - What does he see... Hmmmmm... - Blast the door - Wait.. isn't this the same as..... - Harpina is on his own. - A quistion - *shuffle* *shuffle* - Tri-pass - Now in the base... - Revealing the Base - And we are done with driving for a while... - -filler- To much Rping... - No real update... - She's back in the suit. - Ceil can be evil^^/ She can hear him now? - Volt found out... - (Can't think of a title....) - camping... - Stoping to yell... - Hit the Box!!! - Snake is back! - The Radio's are down... - Sam - Finish him! - Enter Ceil... - This is a Joke.... - He goes on and on... - Aunbis Necromancis III - Vero for the save!!! - Of couse they know.... - Go Vero! Go! - Vero is here! - the best part to waking up... - When Zombie's attack - Dreams of Omega3/Waking the dead. - Advertizement... MMZ Outtakes - Dreams of Omega 2 - Huh? What?! - Time to escape. - Her ride there... - Samus's Suit. - the ride there/ Now How are you going to do that? - Boy... He just don't get it... - Oh No He didn't... - And then that happens... - Hurry up and wait. - Filler... - Idiot! or Not... - You just had to say... - ..... Geno still don't get it. - Back to the story/There is no Mario... - Does anyone remember him? - LOL! Filler. - Oh boy... - Wait... WHAT?! - Heh, Geno. - Let's move the story along... - Don't ask... - Boommm!!!!!!!! - Fight!!!!! - Smack!!! - Is there any peace on the base? - Dream of Omega/He's awake... Chapter 4 Prepare for war. - #100!/ Ch.3 end - Geno goes off on Omega - Oh Nose!!! - To battle/L - Let's go. - Light's Sprites/filler... - Thinking... - Newcomer: Geno! - L sprites/Filler - horsie! - Whoa...Help Volt! Help! - Waking up to trouble - Arch-Angel And Vero - Reasons - Omega is the Chaos Program? - The Light Family. - Mega Ewww... - It's also a filler! - Michael Omega or I don't want to leave him. - Enter Snake or Useless... - Real Update? - Pointless chatter... or Waking up to yourself. - Coma. - Twiching Time... - I'm back! - What? - Wily and Omega? - Chaos Program - Happy Turkey Day/Thanksgiving Day. Ch.3 Forgotten Memory - Mixed ends... also End of CH2. - Ceil loves Zero. - This is a Filler!!! - Aftermath of Omegas attack. - Sorry. - GTFO Now Omega. - Omega Fights Dirty! - Cov asked me to do this... - Ouch... just ouch. - That has to hurt. - An Eye for an eye...(sorta) - Omega falls faster that Zero. - Got him. - Zero to the rescue. - Nooooo! - Pray. - It's.... OMEGA! - Oh...crap. - Take that Elpizo! - this did not happen. - He whats? - Pizza! Taco! God! why won't they shut up about it! - Them? Friends? What? - Who the heck? - Do you? - The man who can. - And this is a normal Day. - I saw this on deviantart - Met crying... - Go met Go! - Run met! Run! - Double update! - Sorry... - Metter's advencher part 4 - Metter's advencher part 3 - Metter's advencher part 2 - Metter's advencher part 1 - Weil is so evil. - That is all he has. Ch 2/ Omega - Ch1 end. - WingZero - Censorship - hehe... - poor shadowkunxx... - Return of Phantom and Kittykaboom part 3 - return of phantom and kittykaboom part 2 - return of phantom and kittykaboom. - Fefnir and the random things! - He say Wha...? - Volt can Talk...Sort of. - Zero's Dream #2 - ..... He dies. - Dreaming #1 - Bye bye Pantom. - X is no fun. - Those two are here. - Could not stop it. - Warning!!! - Hapuna pisses off Phantom - Die Elpizo! Die. - Panatom the Perv... - Blam! You want to say... - His name is Volt/Pizza Vs. Taco/Ouch!!! - It's Volt! - meeding X - ...Shut up - I'll take the ground, you take the air! - Zero's Promise Title Next Last Author notes the battle contiuses Rage Nakasa on Sept. 27, 2010 I love making battle ones.. so easy. no words gettin in the way. :3 Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register Deltaman at 19 Nov, 2010, 09:47 AM cool great job. whens next page? Kaede Higuchi at 16 Oct, 2010, 07:11 AM Wheee! 8D ulthor at 30 Sep, 2010, 11:30 AM I missed allot for some reason, its good to see Zero's new form in the comic though. Omegatau at 28 Sep, 2010, 07:29 AM Always the easiest. Aeros at 28 Sep, 2010, 05:06 AM Niiiiiice
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Login or RegisterDeltaman at
cool great job. whens next page?
Kaede Higuchi at
Wheee! 8D
ulthor at
I missed allot for some reason, its good to see Zero's new form in the comic though.
Omegatau at
Always the easiest.
Aeros at