- 71-Contents Revealed
- 70-Battle Start
- 68-Awsome
- 67-PK says "BOOOOOOOOO!!!"
- 66-Battles
- #65-It's True
- 64-Revenge is a Dish Best Served With Gender Changes
- 63-Frost is Rude
- 62-"What's in the Trunk" or "HE'S A SHE?!"
- #61-One Step Ahead
- Happy 2007
- I'm 15
- What Strike Said
- #59-BAZAP!!!
- #58-He had it coming folks...
- Happy Thanks Giving!
- #57-PK has a Long Tongue
- #56-Finally!
- Happy Halloween
- #55-Stunned Silence
- #54-Couldn't You Just Punch Him?
- #53-And he's proud of it
- #52-He's Thinking, He's Thinking
- #51-He DID ask for it
- #50-Storm's a Jerk
- #49-Poor Megaman
- #48-Smooth
- #47-Checking on Everyone
- #46-Still Translated
- #45-PK Hates Rise
- #44-The Green Dolts
- #43-That's a lot of Hair Balls!
- #42-Screeching Balls of Fur
- #41-Vermites!
- #40-He Talks!
- #39-Frost Doesn't Like Him
- #38-The Reploid
- #37-Short Attention Span
- #36-Treated Like a Little Kid
- #35-OMG! Hand Done!
- #34-He’s Self-Absorbed
- #33-Taking Things Calmly
- #32-Back at the Lab
- #31-And That's Why Flare's an Idiot
- #30-Damned Lazy Creators…
- #29-Poor Met...
- #28-The Two Green Dunces Meet...
- #27-Flare's Pissed...
- #26-He's Eaten Explosives Before...
- #25-Rise doesn't Understand...
- #24-The Base has some Odd Gaurds...
- #23-What-ever this leads to, it can't be good...
- #22-Rise teleports to
- Fourth of July
- #21-Amused by spit...
- #20-If you don't know which boss is next, you've never played Megaman...
- #19-That's gotta hurt...
- #18-The running joke ends here people....Feel free to cheer!
- #17-Mega meets Rise
- #16-Rise talks funny...
- #15-Crashing into the new guy
- #14-Out of fuel...
- #13-back with Megaman
- #12-How'd that cat get there?
- #11-Temporarily Parting
- #10-He's just a lazey ass...
- #8-Don't you love running gags?
- #7-Crashed!
- #6-The evil boxes are baaaaaaack....
- #5-He thinks violence fixes everything...
- #4-Poor Guts didn't stand a chance...
- #3-Platform of DOOOOOOOM!!!!
- #2-Threats
- #1-He has no need for doors!!!!
Author notes
To clear things up, Rise hgot slammed against the wall in third pannel.
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Thganks. It's actualy very easy to make the word bubbles..
theduckofanime at
The comics pretty well written, but I can see at times you are kinda stuck to get the image you wish *such as the second pannel on this strip*. If you have cable or dsl I'd suggest downloading GIMPshop because it's free.
By the way, thank you for being a sprite comic that can get word bubbles right.