Molly Lusc
In Love with my Shadow - page 5 (Hushicho)

Author notes

In Love with my Shadow - page 5 (Hushicho)


Page 5 of the song and dance dream intermission, all illustrated by Hushicho. And here, sadly, we come to the final page of the sequence. Every funride must have a stop no matter how awesome. But what a note to go out on. The finale. all has come to this. The promise and the innocent love is forever split broken, as that spark, now a ring, disappears like a solar eclipse into the blackness of deepest darkness–never to shine again.

I thank you, Hushicho, for collaborating with me on this fun, little idea of mine, and for bringing a vision to life with your immense talent, your unbridled imagination and passionate expression. And I'm looking forward to work with you in the future. Thank you very much.

If you want to see more of his work, feel free to check out Hushicho's comics on and he also has a website you can check out on


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