Molly Lusc
Spark in the Deep, Page 57 - No, this is the final piece of the puzzle

Author notes

Spark in the Deep, Page 57 - No, this is the final piece of the puzzle


Molly enters the abondoned office tenement and have herself a look around. And she finally figures out what to do next.

And so we're back! I've been working longer shifts back at my current, regular job these past weeks as I've been covering for a colleauge who's off on vacation. So that combined with that I've actually allowed myself to take more time with this page, trying to figure out how to combine the new technique with the old technique, has naturally delayed things.

We'll see if I'll put as much time into the next one, but I feel insentivised to do so because I really feel like the quality of the art really improved with this page.

So we'll see if I'll manage to come up with another update next week and if not probably the week after. As always feel free to let me know what you think about what you're seeing here.

Also FYI, I've changed a few things about the premise as a well as some fluff details that you will notice if you re-read the comic from start and forward. And I wanna ensure you that I'm done tinkering with the setting beyond these changes. What is now will stay as it is. You're of course free to comment what you think on this as well if you like.

Til' next time, have a good one👍


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