Molly Lusc
Spark in the Deep, Page 59 - For an office, eh?

Author notes

Spark in the Deep, Page 59 - For an office, eh?


Molly convinces Miss Quiver to have her rent the flat and says she's gonna make it an office of some kind. Something is getting set up here and I think you readers know what it is;)

Back from SweSAT. Went about as good as I expected it (that is to say not very good, I kind of suck at math:P). Now, dear readers, we will return to a more weekly updating schedule. We're almost done with Spark in the Deep and I'm gonna start updating the other webcomics as well.

One of them, Idfestation, is gonna update slightly different for a while as I'm gonna add a new first chapter to that one, as I feel like that comic didn't start quite the way it was meant to:P But you'll see what I'm talking about when we get there, those of you still reading Idfestation.

Overall it just feel so good to be updating again. It has never felt like a better time to be a bad guy–uh–I mean a bad webcomicker. Sorry. Still perked after that Scarface paraphrasing I did on Bravo's thread about BWW^^


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