Molly Lusc
Spark in the Deep, Page 60 - Best one in town!

Author notes

Spark in the Deep, Page 60 - Best one in town!


Molly visits Matilda's wash-o-mat on Plage Rue 1, where she befriends Matilda the proprietor and reveals her plans for the future. Also there's someone else leaving the wash-o-mat while Molly is there. Can you tell who it is?

Aaaah, finally where here! The final page of Spark in the Deep. Next story will be titled "Close Call". And I do think I will conform that story and the stories to come to this picture book format that I've been converting some of my comics into lately. Your opinions on that are welcome.

I know that I just want to unload all of these stories of mine as smoothly and swiftly as possible. And I feel like the traditional format I've been rolling with these past years doesn't quite cut it, and it takes me away from the writing part of it all which is where my strongest passion lies in all of this.

Also I have some health issues that I'm gonna have to deal with in between all this. Got a colonoscopy coming up in the near future to figure out what the heck's been wrong with my bowls lately. But enough babble from me. Til' next time. Have a good one.


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