Muldoons Pub

Author notes

the great debate 2
statikpunk onWell I am back again, and I have some stuff to say. I put a lot of time and effort into the new look of Muldoon's Pub, and the last few comics were awful. (art wise) To say giving up crossed my mind would be an understatement. The fact of the matter is that I enjoy making Muldoon's Pub so I decided to go back to the old models (with a few changes) as well as going back to mostly pen and ink art. I have also decided that if I am going to gain any sort of popularity I need to step my art up a notch and really give my readers the best that I can produce. I have also gleaned new inspiration from the book "How to make webcomics" by the halfpixel gang, its a great book and I highly recommend it. It is chock full of real information as apposed to wishy washy "you can do it" speeches, like most "how to" books.
Also in brighter news I have located a scanner at work so now I can work on the comic during my night shifts, so updates my not be 7 days a week but there should be no more yearlong stints in between every 20 strips. so to all those that have told me "hey, when are you gonna make your comic again?" I thank you, and thanks to everyone that reads the comic and enjoys it. please leave feedback and tell me what you think.
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