My Candy Treat

Author notes

rainbows onokay, so I bet you all want to kill me right now..
RachXC or Exiem as she is known on Youtube, and I have not been working on this for sometime. I don't know if we ever will. We've had some issues with the original story that we wrote and we have been trying to re-write it. We will continue on with that because im gonna stop being lazy and actually write the new story for My Candy Treat.. Again no promises and we might actually change the name.. But to keep time passing me and my friend amanda, or EggyBird, are working on a new comic. She is writing and drawing it, I am coloring it. It is NOT shounen-ai, as of right this second, and prolly won't be, but there are some fun characters in it, and it takes place during World War II, and then goes off into another world. We do not have a name yet, but we are in the process of a few pages and what not, and I still have to ink and color them. So stayed tune to that, and please don't hate me!
Oh and in the picture that is me on the left and amanda on the right. We're both french, and those doodles were drawn on MSN by her explaining when she let go of her snake and when we were trying to get a chinese kid (who hates us) to sign her yearbook..
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