My Random Drawings

Teacher ~!

Author notes

Teacher ~!


OK! I know I said this in my other comic but I never got any feed back :( … I'm plotting on making another comic with the person up above as the main character. I know I know "HA! You're too lazy for one real comic and you think you can handle another?" hehe I could if I wanted to ;)

Genre: Real Life

Tone: Mostly serious but not too serious in the beginning

Rating: Probably Teens Plus (T+)

Medium: My Liquid Graphite Pen *huggles* and of course clean up in PhotoShop since I'm a messy artist

Style: Just like the character up above (Argh, which will be hard for me but… I don't want it kiddy looking for this comic)

Story: The main character (up above) is a beautiful intelligent teacher in a normal high school (HAH! Unexpected main character huh!? Usually it's the student :P) who finally living one of her goals, teaching. But now there is one more thing she needs to do to complete her dream… :o I'm leaving it at that.


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