My Random Drawings

Happy April Fools day

Author notes

Happy April Fools day


No jokes about this update. But I will post a update for my other comic. HAHA APRIL FOOLS!! ^_^… no really >.>;;; Sorry I don't have a page for my other comic… Had a rough weekend with trying to get cars fixed and trying to figure out what to do… Stupid car accidents >.>

Ok enough about that! Since some viewers are probably sick of me updating with mostly drawings of men (unless you are a woman that loves to see bishie men) I present to you another female Oooo… jk jk! This is another character from my other comic idea (Not the VF Comic). But unlike the main character she's only a student who is 17. She looks 17 right?? Or too old looking ?? Need crits on this drawing for age wise !! (Already know the art sucks so just age crits hahaha). She's wearing Eyeshadow if you can't tell. Drawing makeup in Liquid graphite pen is kind of hard >.o

In the story line she is a young teenager that has had a lot of things happen to her and she just don't care about life but just lives it. No she's not emo but more b*tchy whatever kind of personality. Hopefully not easily hated but not easily loved either.

I also came up with a name for the new comic "Keeping a Promise". It supprised me that name wasn't already taken lol HA! It's mine now!! jk jk…. The storyline is actually based off of a Nightmare I had months ago that made almost cry in my sleep. NO! It's not scary (No monsters only REAL people) but kind of emotional, hopefully a tear jerker somewhat at the end. I'm having a feeling I wont have too many male viewers hahaha but who knows :)

Crits on my comic idea (some ideas are on the previous page)and characters are welcome but I can't tell you too much because it might ruin the story ;)


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