
Author notes

Chapter 00 Page 4
Rage Nakasa ono today, Rage drifts off to sleep as a mysterious man protects him.
The sun is beating down on a rocky desert plain. The wind is blowing through the stony region. Then a mysterious person wearing a brown cloak runs through the sand. Behind him is a group of green-skinned demon-like people. Their orange hair sticks out from their skin. The mysterious person looks back and sees them swinging their swords as they chase him. The person smiles, then turns around and stands where he had just stopped. The demons rush to where the guy is standing. The man raises his hand toward them and utters the word "Groundjur". Just then a slanted pillar of earth jets out of the ground, hitting a lot of the green skinned demons, then it falls and crushes the ones who got hit. The others who did not get hit get closer to the mysterious person as he throws off his cloak. The man wears a green tunic top with brown leather made jeans. His brown/red hair blew in the wind as he stared at the horde of demons with his green eyes. He then draws two swords and points them at the demons that were running at him. He dashes into the group, quickly slashing all the demons he passes. The demons notice that he had passed through them and turned to face him as the man did the same. As they turned, the ones who had been slashed start to fall or blood starts to spray from various cuts from there bodies. Only one had not been touched from all this. The Demon stares at the man who just killed his comrades and notices his swords. "Wha…? Those Green Blades? It can't be…" exclaimed the last demon. "prepare to die, Demon." said the mysterious man. "please spare my life!" pleaded the demon. "but…If I do that… then my job won't be completed… Oh well, go now…get. I'll say one escaped" said the mysterious man. The man then turned and started to walk away. "Oh! Thank you!" said the demon in a sinister voice. "Now die! Demon hunter!" The demon charged at the man's back. "Foolish one…" breathed the man as he slashed the charging demon in two. "I let you live and you use it to attack me…" the man said to the dying demon. "Tell…me you..r Name…so m..y soul will come for yo..u in the …next life…" gasped the dying demon. "You have no next life, Demon, but I will tell you my name. It's Rage Nakasa." the man said to the almost dead demon. "Rage Nakasa.. the half-demon De…mon …" said the demon with his last breath. "the very same" said Rage as he wiped the blood off his swords by pushing them into the sand. He then walked over to the body of the demon and cut off some hair. "there…this will prove that I did my job." Rage said as he looked for a place to rest. "Man… it's been a long day". He heads over to a big boulder and sits with his back against it. "I'm only getting 100,000 yen for this job to kill the Sena be Hana demon clan… oh well… it's not like I need the money" Yawns rage as he pulls out a cloth to clean off what caked blood was on his swords and himself. The swords gleam their natural green coloring as the sunlight hits them. After he finished cleaning them, He puts them back in his sheaths. As he does, a pair of purple eyes look out from a reflection. The eyes look as if they have lost their will. Rage then lays back and closes his eyes. The sound of someone walking up is heard but Rage does not pay any mind to it. "…Rage." said a voice. Rage opened his eyes. "…What?" groans Rage. "we need to get going…" said the person who had just walked up to him. The person was wearing a brown cloak but you could see his face. He had blond hair and blue eyes. Rage then closed his eyes again. "Come on, Rage!" said the blond-haired man as he tapped Rage on the head with his lance. "Let me rest. It's hot right now!" yelled Rage. The man took off his hood and said "Yea… It's hot…OK. Fine. You sleep… I'll make sure nothing tries to kill us," said the Blond-haired man. "Don't goof off!" says Rage as he drifts off to sleep.
Rage-kun had the idea that every time we finish a chapter, we put up the original, the one he wrote. Though… I think I'll revise and edit it, since Rage-kun can not spell ^^;
This is the last page of Chapter 00, the prologue.
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