Nemution Redux

Author notes

Mika_yi onHello everyone,
Now I know a lot of people out there are probable mad or disappointed in my ability to not update as I planed to. Or as fast. I apologies for taking so long with my pages.
I'm having a lot of issues with home in that if you know by know my family does not want me wasting my time drawing 'stupid cartoons' as they say and even when I try to draw for an hour out of the whole day I get yelled at saying I'm wasting my time when I should be looking for a job (however ironically that's what I've been doing all day. I've been trying to find a job with a lot of lay offs out there it really is very hard to get one. and it takes up most of my time just to retype my resume and put in for job after job. I make a little bit of money watching my nephew but Like I said it's not a lot at all. maybe enough to pay my phone bill and gas (I don't go anywhere so I hope that I don't have to pay a lot for gas). So please I ask for your patients and support in my lack of updates.
As for the image that you see in front of you, it's a little group me and two other people put together, it is also a way to talk to us if you need to or find out what's happening or going on in the background. The group is called as you can see Cherry tree madness and if you think about it, the name makes no sense in Korean or in English which is the point of the name. But the group you can read about each members job (if you can't find it it's the first entry or simply go under memories and you will find the entry called introduction) Our little group is created manly out of the love of drawing and creating, the side is maybe we will make a little money off it when when get it fixed and printed. there are other plans like plushi's and shirts ect. if we can get around to making them.
so please stop by support us or just say hi, we are all glad to hear from you, and love to. especially me, hard times suck but I do love all the support each and every one of you has given me.
the pages, I have them drawn out well one for NJ and 1 for redux, 2 for what comes first. so I hope that I can get them colored and finished for updates by tuesday. Unforuntally I would have it ealier but I'm getting dragged to the south for a few days dad whats company on his long trip and I have no job I have to go, I'll do my best and draw some and fix up my resume
take care
lots of love
Mika yi
ps. the link is written on the image or copy and past this link:
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