
Author notes

Mars+Mars Logo (Improved!)
Faliat onI launched this comic on the 29th of June 2007. Trying out a new idea I had of making two comics run in parallel with different viewpoints.
Originally, it was just Mahlaste. But then I said: "Hey! Some of these supporting characters are too interesting to leave out, and if I upgrade them to main character status I'll have to leave out some really important tiny details so everybody gets a turn!"
So I made this.
The two comics cross over a lot, but you don't have to watch them both at once. They're pretty much self-contained anyway.
There's also a little bit more of certain genre elements in one than the other and vice versa. So One you might not like while the other one you might love… Or you may just like or hate both. It's up to you.
In this comic there's a bit more comedy and there's a slight romance element. And yes, you will sigh at this bit…
The romance is between men.
In a realistic way. Meaning no uke, no seme, no chibis, no kitty boys… Basically, no yaoi. I hate that shit. No offence to fans of it. I admit, some of the stuff is drawn well. But I just hate the stuff mentioned before and a ton of other stuff… Yeah… STUFF!
Hopefully, if I put enough "tasteful" vibes into it, anybody with an open mind will be able to pick this up and laugh/cry/ shout at the screen… or eat popcorn and drink a slush puppie with the lights off if I get that good.
With other subject matter such as debates on abortion, euthanasia, war, etc… With arguments from both sides… You're almost 100% likely to start debating amongst yourselves, so I'm gonna have to create a forum at some point in the future. Keep tuned in for that.
So now, I bid you adeu… While I try to get my scanner sorted so I can get a launch date for the new pages!
Or… As they say in Sangheul "Anjeoh-heem"…
You'll know where that is if you keep up with this story…
(Modified April 1st 2008)
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