Ninja notes


Author notes



Yah! thats right! I can do halloween too! yeah!

no "the ego-show halloween special" though…. sorry..

guess where i was when i drew this!
America you say?
hahaha how'd you guess? XD

on another note..
Aaaargh im so happy! MicahIsMe(the creator of
(you should try and read it! its great humor!)
gave me this new avatar! isnt it just the best!? *Glomps* I love you Micah!

heh^-^ anyway… since ive been really really low on updates ill just let you guys know what going on^-^

Im currently working on two new Ryo pages
Gonna start coloring the new your eyes page soon
as soon as your eyes is over(it will be very very soon if i get my say in things) ill start posting on Story of a Sign

yay for meeeee! ^-^ im really happy..

do you all know what being an au pair means? well it means that im gonna go to ireland after christmas and live with a family there, im going to get payd for spending time with their two children while they are out of the house!
can you just imagine me!?
"au pair in ireland?"
"au pair in ireland?"
hahahaha i choose ireland!
…. i just REALLY hope they have a scanner! otherwise ill have to go on hiatus for a year! *whimper* i dont wanna go on hiatus! *sobs* they better have a scanner!

Love you all!


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