- Tattoo
- "Bad Juju"
- Seriously, this is a game
- Goodbye Paycheck
- Jump That Gun
- Calendar Day: October
- Sick and tired
- LSD: Bestest Friends
- "Love" Epilogue
- LSD: Wine Tasting
- Socksy Dance
- LSD: Coming Next Week...
- LSD: Hiatus?
- Whoopsie 2
- LSD: Flashback
- Whoopsie
- I Get Knocked Down
- Faster Than a Kitty on Crack
- LSD: Valentines Day
- Love 8
- Love Part 7
- LSD: Moving
- LSD: Talbot
- Love Part 6
- Love Part 5
- LSD: Announcement
- Love Part 4
- LSD: Justin
- LSD: Wallpaper-Lelia
- LSD: Wallpaper-Lauren
- Fanart LSD
- LSD-Fanart
- Love Part 3
- Love Part 2
- Love Part 1
- Can't Beat 'em, Eat 'em
- Sailor Lelia
- Pros and Cons
- Broken
- You Had to be There #1
- Punchline
- Guest Strip: Friedenmann
- Guest Strip: Righteous Fury
- Ragnarock XXII
- Showing Support
- Tastes Like Chicken
- Flux Capacitor
- Conflict of Interests
- Pomp and Circumstance
- Bad Idea
- Art Day Time!
- Technical Malfunction
- Damsel
- How to Bake a Cake
- Archieves 18: GTA
- Archieves 17: sleep?
- Archieves 16: Sprinting there
- Archieves 15: how i spent my summer vacation
- Archieves 14: Copyright
- Valentines Day
- Archievs 11: If You Got it, Flaunt it.
- Archieves 10: Corsets
- Archieves 9: Nectar of the Gods
- Archievs 7: Naggin Doubts
- Archievs 6: Internal Battles
- Archieves 5: Later That Night...
- Archieves 4: Heart Conditions
- Archieves 3: Duck and Cover
- Archieves 2: Error
- Archieves 1
Author notes
Time for another dose of LSD: Lazy Shelby Day Been trying to shake off this writing block I've had but in the meantime enjoy this fanart/cosplay day. Kinda a throwback to my roots. While disney movies got me enthralled with animation, Sailor moon was really what got me into drawing. I never seriosly was into art till i stared watching Sailor moon as a tyke. Might do a couple others likethis with other cast memebers if i need another LSD. working on a real comic for monday dont you fret
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Login or RegisterGreySage404 at
Demon + Sailor moon = Hot
blntmaker at
Don't know what it is but I love this drawing! Looks like the kind of stuff I'd do with Adobe CS. Love the shadowing and the detail on the wings!