No Need for Bushido


Author notes




I don't suppose anyone else is having trouble with updating pages all of a sudden. I haven't been able to upload a page here for the past 3 days…


I'm finally working on organizing NNFB into a printed compilation. I've started on this almost insurmountable project before… but this time I'm totaly serious… really.

I hope to have 2 books done with lots of cool extras by 2008. First book will go all the way up to page 175 (although I'm probably going to cut out a few pages where Yori flashbacks to reruns of the strips… we only really made those pages for filler anyway.

The second book AKA "The good one," Will go from Page 175 to the end of the Yori VS Ryoku fight… that is to say, the end of the fight you have yet to even see. It'll cover the Demons of Sorrow VS Ninjas, the play, Cho and Ken VS Wu and Tang, Your VS Ryoku (the first time,) Hirotomo VS Genchu, and Yori VS Ryoku (The second time.) Yup, it's the "NNFB Big Book of Fight'n"


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