Noise Pollution First Prev - #97 Prizzy Prizzy Peazze Prize - #96 Sid Gotta Sneeze - #95 Cig Nipper - #94 Seriously - #93 Cat-tastophy - #91 I am a Girlfriend - #90 Death Comes Knockin' - #89 Frank Bruts the Arts - #88 More Like Lame Jam - #87 About Time Indeed - #86 Questions to Get you Keelhauled - #85 Mister Money Bags - #84 That's Telekinesis Kyle - #83 Come On Feel The Burn - #82 RIP LP - #81 Delayed Reaction - #80 Crazy Ignorant - #79 Lessons in Sticken it to the Man - #78 New York Girls - #77 The Truth About TSOL - #76 All Night Bummer - #75 Sarkozenstein - #74 Screw The Tour - #73 Desolation Show - #72 Butch "The Fonz" Vig - #71 Conservatives, the Other Other White Meat - #70 Anarchy Burger - #69 Josh Homme Has Great Hair - #68 Dream Bubble - #67 Acoustic Snarl - #66 Idea For A Farce - #65 Second Hand Stupid - #64 Punk'r Den Thou - #63 Ask Me About My Big Ideas - #62 Last Splash - #61 Heineken! Heineken! Fuck That Shit... - #60 Damaged - #59...or Was It Tegan? - #58 I Watchd The View, and I Liked It - #57 Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who's the Drunkest of Them All? - #56 DvA - #55 NoFunny - #54 You'll Shoot Your Eye Out... - #53 FUC - #52 The Hazards of Buzzkill'aton - #51 Yeah Yeah... What?! - #50 Kitsplosion - #49 Spirit of the Radio... Broadcasting Television - #48 Music Sells… but Who’s Buying? - #47 Native, Polish American Sausage - #46 Pales With Whales - #45 Worst Week Ever! - #44 Indie-Gasm! - #43 Regrettable Covers - #42 Noise Polluter Awards 08 - #41 Hey Man, Want Some Irony? - #40 Punk Anthems IV - #39 Of Heros and Zeros - #38 Punk Anthems III - #37 Zombie Ex-Anythings Are Scary - #36 Adventures in Human Debasement - #35 I Don't Care What Anybody Says, I Still Think She's Super Hot! - #34 Punk Anthems II - #33 Gutter is a Tool - #32 See You Next Fall - #31 Punk Anthems - #30 Sam's Shiny New Soulmate IV - #29 Sam's Shiny New Soulmate III - #28 Sam's Shiny New Soulmate II - # 27-2 Sam's Shiny New Soulmate Part2 - #27 Sam's Shiny New Soulmate Part1 - # 26 You Can Use A Rhyming Dictionary As Long As It Doesn't Sound Like You Are... - #25 What Really Happened to The Buffalo - #24 Return of Paul The Poser - #23 The Good The Bad and The Queenie - #22 Well This is Awkward - #21 Got Some Chubs For You - #20 Blues Man - #19 Reagan Sleepy - #18 How To Screw Up Your Teenage Daughter 101 - #17 Pop Junk - #16 MCS Is For Cutters - #15 How Big Are Your Bolloks? - #14 Metal Street - #13 Sam and Glen Pay the Rent... Hollywood Style! - #12 It's A Real Shame - #11Fake Teeth for Real Folk Singers - #10 Juno's Soundtrack Was Worse... - #9 The Man in Black - #8 P!nk PSA - #7 College Radio... - #6 Glen's Clingon - #5 Better Be Women - #4 Death To Corporate Rock! - #3 March of Swine - #2 Sexy or Strange... Maybe Both? - #1 Poser Problems Next Last First Prev - #97 Prizzy Prizzy Peazze Prize - #96 Sid Gotta Sneeze - #95 Cig Nipper - #94 Seriously - #93 Cat-tastophy - #91 I am a Girlfriend - #90 Death Comes Knockin' - #89 Frank Bruts the Arts - #88 More Like Lame Jam - #87 About Time Indeed - #86 Questions to Get you Keelhauled - #85 Mister Money Bags - #84 That's Telekinesis Kyle - #83 Come On Feel The Burn - #82 RIP LP - #81 Delayed Reaction - #80 Crazy Ignorant - #79 Lessons in Sticken it to the Man - #78 New York Girls - #77 The Truth About TSOL - #76 All Night Bummer - #75 Sarkozenstein - #74 Screw The Tour - #73 Desolation Show - #72 Butch "The Fonz" Vig - #71 Conservatives, the Other Other White Meat - #70 Anarchy Burger - #69 Josh Homme Has Great Hair - #68 Dream Bubble - #67 Acoustic Snarl - #66 Idea For A Farce - #65 Second Hand Stupid - #64 Punk'r Den Thou - #63 Ask Me About My Big Ideas - #62 Last Splash - #61 Heineken! Heineken! Fuck That Shit... - #60 Damaged - #59...or Was It Tegan? - #58 I Watchd The View, and I Liked It - #57 Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who's the Drunkest of Them All? - #56 DvA - #55 NoFunny - #54 You'll Shoot Your Eye Out... - #53 FUC - #52 The Hazards of Buzzkill'aton - #51 Yeah Yeah... What?! - #50 Kitsplosion - #49 Spirit of the Radio... Broadcasting Television - #48 Music Sells… but Who’s Buying? - #47 Native, Polish American Sausage - #46 Pales With Whales - #45 Worst Week Ever! - #44 Indie-Gasm! - #43 Regrettable Covers - #42 Noise Polluter Awards 08 - #41 Hey Man, Want Some Irony? - #40 Punk Anthems IV - #39 Of Heros and Zeros - #38 Punk Anthems III - #37 Zombie Ex-Anythings Are Scary - #36 Adventures in Human Debasement - #35 I Don't Care What Anybody Says, I Still Think She's Super Hot! - #34 Punk Anthems II - #33 Gutter is a Tool - #32 See You Next Fall - #31 Punk Anthems - #30 Sam's Shiny New Soulmate IV - #29 Sam's Shiny New Soulmate III - #28 Sam's Shiny New Soulmate II - # 27-2 Sam's Shiny New Soulmate Part2 - #27 Sam's Shiny New Soulmate Part1 - # 26 You Can Use A Rhyming Dictionary As Long As It Doesn't Sound Like You Are... - #25 What Really Happened to The Buffalo - #24 Return of Paul The Poser - #23 The Good The Bad and The Queenie - #22 Well This is Awkward - #21 Got Some Chubs For You - #20 Blues Man - #19 Reagan Sleepy - #18 How To Screw Up Your Teenage Daughter 101 - #17 Pop Junk - #16 MCS Is For Cutters - #15 How Big Are Your Bolloks? - #14 Metal Street - #13 Sam and Glen Pay the Rent... Hollywood Style! - #12 It's A Real Shame - #11Fake Teeth for Real Folk Singers - #10 Juno's Soundtrack Was Worse... - #9 The Man in Black - #8 P!nk PSA - #7 College Radio... - #6 Glen's Clingon - #5 Better Be Women - #4 Death To Corporate Rock! - #3 March of Swine - #2 Sexy or Strange... Maybe Both? - #1 Poser Problems Next Last Author notes #56 DvA mbloom on April 15, 2009 I left the computer on the sidelines for this one. Hope you like it. @Hyena H_ll: Thanks again!@worstcase: Hehe, thanks. Glad you like it. I'm good for a line like that every once in a while. Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register ifelldownthestairs at 31 May, 2009, 03:10 PM ahh, milo goes to college. now that's where it's at. dotdotdot at 20 Apr, 2009, 08:46 PM Now that's love for a band!Cheers! PROSTITUTION at 16 Apr, 2009, 01:56 AM Is this really what pubescents are like? Jesus.
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Login or Registerifelldownthestairs at
ahh, milo goes to college. now that's where it's at.
dotdotdot at
Now that's love for a band!
Is this really what pubescents are like? Jesus.