Not so Heroic
Author notes
Chapter 1 Page 1
gullas onGullas :
Hey, my seccond comic here on DD. Luckily I got Lemniskate, who IMO is a brilliant artist to draw this one for me. I really love the result and I hope you like it as well…
Updates every saturday or when we have a page ready XD
The art is a derivate of the art I used in Bright Future which gullas deemed appropriate for his story.
It somewhat reminds me of Zealiots.
Oh, and, YES,the cross-hatching DOES take some time :)
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It seemed the most appropriate. I couldn't colour anything in the panels above and below, because if I coloured it in one panel, I would feel obliged to colour it in the others too (to maintain their "belonging-very-closely-together-feeling), so it had to be something in the middle panel. And since I personally find orange neon street lighting very special/exciting, I decided to go for that.
threeeyeswurm at
Beautiful inking! But I don't know so much about the yellow lighting… why did you think that was necessary? Sin City does it to focus on certain aspects of the page but is the yellow light really that important?