Happy Halloween

Author notes

Happy Halloween

Empty Brooke

Halloween isn't just about candy and kids and costume junk! However much I love the costume part (the candy and kids I could live without) Halloween is so much more than that!
Come on! Orriginally All Hallows Eve was the night of Samhain, The Lord of Darkness (often referred to as the Lord of Death, that factor is untrue). Samhain was not only a religious icon but also the festival celebrated at the end of the harvest which was a celebratory feast for the dead. It was at the end of the harvest that it was believed the link to the spirit realm and the human world was the weakest of the year. During this time people believed that the demon Sanhain would rise and take away children. To be rid of the demon's rath people would wear montrous masks to conceal their identity and hide from the wicked lord. They carved out turnips to apease him (which later became pumpkins) and they set candy out on their porch to fill him, therefore making no room for their children.
But now Halloween is a joke. Albeit, the costumes are fantastic, the pumpkins still worship and apease the mighty lord, and candy is (sometimes) still left on porches for the taking. But now it's all about kids running around from one house to another, dressed as faeiries, frogs and ghosts, taking the candy and giving themselves monstrous cavities!
I'm sorry but All Hallows Eve is meant to strike fear into the hearts of millions, and even though it's the one holiday I actually celebrate, I find it insulting when someone puts a little ghost on their lawn with a speech bubble that actually says 'boo!'.
I mean, COME ON! What sort of ghosts actually says boo!?

So please, please please! If you did it this year don't do it again! Scare the children! Show them the true meaning of All Hallows Eve! And please don't use a cardboard ghost that smiles when they walk up to your house…

Yeah, this is late, shut up!


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