Of Aeons and Ahuras

Page 9

Author notes

Page 9


A day late than expected do to finals coming up. I did a marker rendering of an older Alora which you'll see in the upcoming chapters. She isn't going to stay a cowardly little girl forever ;D so once that's done being graded I'll scan it in if I can…it's a little big

I might add some new things in future pages such as a different approach to how I'm going to detail the characters. Phael's'bal'l (fell-ss-bah-L) for example, her scales will be a bitch to detail one scale at a time. Hopefully I can change this and keep her looking like she's suppose too as well as my other scaly characters. Sooo…yay for new brushes!!! I found all my old one's I used back in the day so time to revive them.
Enjoy the page guys! Hopefully I can get back on track to every Saturday…


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