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FFS #59: Fucken Cogeco!
Valtiel onDays Without Internet: Spring Time!
There was a pretty awesome fuck-up this week involving my Internet, and ultimately, my overall cable connection; which left me back in the stone ages.
Or, at least a time where I couldn't browse the web.
I've decided to somewhat chronicle what is going through my head as I endure this terrible, terrible fate that has been bestowed upon me by Cogeco, so I can look back later and think about how sad I was, and how happy I will hopefully be whence the Internet returns to my home.
I come home from work quickly, as I am expecting people over tonight. I decide that I am going to quickly check Digg.com for any awesome news stories to use as conversation topics when my friends arrive.
I sit down in front of my computer – an iMac – and attempt to open Firefox. The page doesn't appear to be loading, so I take this time to run to the fridge and get a delicious beverage. And I return to find an error message indicating that it could not locate Google. Google's everywhere.
I check to make sure I am connected my wireless network, named "space," which I am. I then turn around to look at the modem. There is a light flashing on it, so I think that maybe the power went out, and it hasn't yet come back on. I power-cycle it, but only that one light continues to flash, no others.
A lump forms in my throat when I realize that the cable guys were supposed to be out this morning to tinker with the wiring to downgrade my cable, and they must have fucked it up somehow.
I quickly get on the phone, and call my cable company, who confirms my fear – they sent idiots out to my home, and they can't get my internet back online until Sunday morning.
By this time, my friends have arrived, so my sudden urge to curl up in bed and weep has to wait, and we start playing Rock Band, and then watch a movie, smoking an inordinate amount of cigarettes during the whole ordeal which takes me about half an hour to clean up after.
At this point, I wanted to check my e-mail and the news, but I couldn't, so I downed four shots of rum, and went to sleep.
I wake up in the morning and head to the computer.
Still no internet, which saddens me, especially because I woke up an hour earlier than I needed to, and have nothing to do to kill the time.
I ultimately make breakfast, and coffee, and play Shadow of the Colossus until it is time to go to work.
[insert work]
I come home from work, and scramble to find something to keep myself occupied.
I start by playing guitar. Right before the 'net went down, I had learned, slowly, how to play "Jump in the Fire" by Metallica, so I thought I would take some time to perfect the intro and the versus riffs, as they were the hardest.
I can now play better than James.
Next, I hit my DVD rack, but not literally, as it is a very sturdy metal, and I have brittle knuckles, and I pick out a movie. American Psycho. I watch this, and then the special features on A Scanner Darkly, and I start to feel tired, so I read some, and then go to sleep.
I didn't even attempt to sit at my computer this morning, and just decided to shower, drink a pot of coffee, and then go to Tim Hortons to wait for my ride to work today.
[more work]
When I get home, I am already feeling kind of tired, but I end up watching A Scanner Darkly, as the special features reminded me of how much I love that movie, and how…animated it is.
After that, I start watching Army of Darkness, but I am close to falling asleep, so I play around in Garageband making some new music tracks, and then I hit the hay.
I woke up today, and puttered around my apartment, rearranging my bedroom for the summer months, so that my air conditioner can be comfortably placed into the sleeve in my room, and blow brisk, cold air at me while I am sleeping.
I have become accustomed to the no-internet situation by this point, the only thing is keeping myself occupied, and with an attention span as short as mine tends to be, it is hard to do. I have been watching special features for movies I haven't watched in a long time, randomly, but I seem to get bored fairly quickly, and move on to something else.
I went through my high school yearbook from the year that I graduated, and started counting all of the people I saw that now work at NCO, and it was a higher number than I thought. Out of most of them, though, they all seem to be working there only for money before moving on to bigger, better things. I remember when I had aspirations.
Quick story: I am not featured in my grade 12 yearbook. I was not at school the day that they handed out the surveys to the graduates to be placed in the graduate section of the book, and always assumed that is why I was not included, but it turns out that there were people in the book that not only did not fill out the survey, but did not have their pictures taken, either, that ended up in the graduate section. The worst part of all was that I was in the yearbook class that year. Fuckers.
Went to a party tonight for Leah's birthday. Shitloads of people there, and lots of alcohol. Lots of drunk people, too, which was entertaining. I played the role of freeloader most of the night, being offered drinks, and accepting them, until I was tired, and decided to come home.
During the walk I had a good long thought process going, but I forget the bulk of it, and the content was something awesome.
Cogeco guy came today!
It was an exciting time as my internet was restored, and I was free to browse, and do all that fun stuff.
I realized after work today that I had not prepared a comic, and although I have no real excuse outside of laziness, I do think that I accomplished a lot to further my social life this week. Although, that's all out the window now, because the 'net is back.
If you want to hang out, come here. New episodes of Diggnation on the bigg screen every Friday-gg.
Filler comic!
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