- 10.1 Waiting
- 9.2 Uniqueness
- 9.1 Uniqueness
- 8.2 Asceticism
- 8.1 Asceticism
- 7.3 Loving Love
- 7.2 Loving Love
- 7.1 Loving Love
- 6. Change
- 5. Anxiety
- 4.3 Affirmation
- 4.2 Affirmation
- 4.1 Affirmation
- 3. Lovable
- 2.4 Absence
- 2.3 Absence
- 2.2 Absence
- 2.1 Absence
- 1. Annihilation
- OSS #169: Acceptance
- OSS #168: E-Pirme Exercise
- OSS #167: Dare The Derridean
- OSS #166: Who Else
- OSS #165: Postmodern
- OSS #164: Book Assignment
- OSS #163: The Quest
- OSS #162: The Other
- OSS #161: Bright Idea
- OSS #160: Forgiven
- OSS #159: 60 Minutes
- OSS #158: Dumb
- OSS #157: Do Something
- OSS #156: Kidnap
- OSS #155: Concealer
- OSS #154: Brilliant Plan
- OSS #153: Newbie
- OSS #152: Possessed
- OSS #151: Anger
- OSS #150: Time Travel
- OSS #149: Assumptionista
- OSS #148: After A Sin
- OSS #147: Lipstick
- OSS #146: Pepper
- OSS #145: Hanna
- OSS #144: Hypnosis
- OSS #143: Tripper
- OSS #142: Ugly
- OSS #141: Happy Ending
- OSS #140: Can't Wait
- OSS #139: He Likes Me
- OSS #138: Things People Do After a Heartbreak
- OSS #137: Old
- OSS #136: Goodbye
- OSS #135: Eyeball
- OSS #134: Self-resolving
- OSS #133: What Now
- OSS #132: Sent Item
- OSS #131: Good Morning
- OSS #130: Wonderful Breakdown
- OSS #129: For Sale
- OSS #128: Inconsiderate
- OSS #127: Name-calling
- OSS #126: Euge's Crisis
- OSS #125: Busy
- OSS #124: Me
- OSS #123: Incompatible
- OSS #122: Renewed
- OSS #121: Only Hope
- OSS #120: Oat Taking
- OSS #119: False Hope
- OSS #118: Itching
- OSS #117: Lucky
- OSS #116: Yesterday
- OSS #115: Too Much
- OSS #114: News
- OSS #113: High
- OSS #112: Recession
- OSS #111: New Diet
- OSS #110: New Hope
- OSS #109: Master
- OSS #108: BFF
- OSS #107: Christmas Worries
- OSS #106: Apology
- OSS #105: Cha-cha
- OSS #104: Gloria
- OSS #103: St. Joseph
- OSS #102: Thanks, Ma
- OSS #101: Coolest Parent
- OSS #100: Nativity
- OSS #99: Christian Oxymoron
- OSS #98: Materialism
- OSS #97: Left Behind
- OSS #96: Menchu's Type
- OSS #95: Art
- OSS #94: Talent
- OSS #93: Qiki
- OSS #92: Sexy Back
- OSS #91: Romantic Antic
- OSS #90: Courtship
- OSS #89: Coffee Shop Diversion
- OSS #88: Coffee Shop
- OSS #87: Image
- OSS #86: Proposition
- OSS #85: Convincing
- OSS #84: Christmas Tree
- OSS #83: Fridge
- OSS #82: Trick
- OSS #81: Costume
- OSS #80: Filipino Halloween
- OSS #79: Sarah
- OSS #78: Little Mermaid
- OSS #77: Adam
- OSS #76: Missed the Point
- OSS #75: Perfectionist
- OSS #74: Made in China
- OSS #73: Love
- OSS #72: Almost
- OSS #71: Jigglypuff
- OSS #70: Alcohol
- OSS #69: Pokemon Battle
- OSS #68: Challenge
- OSS #67: You Bitch, You
- OSS #66: Latest Craze
- OSS #65: Small Balls
- OSS #64: Dance
- OSS #63: Twisted
- OSS #62: Grace
- OSS #61: Psyche
- OSS #60: Not Surprised
- OSS #59: Redundant
- OSS #58: Blas
- OSS #57: Advice
- OSS #56: Motivation
- OSS #55: Stalker
- OSS #54: Training
- OSS #53: Bouquet
- OSS #52: Boring
- OSS #51: The Apple
- OSS #50: Vernie
- OSS #49: Problems
- OSS #48: Surreal
- OSS #47: Riddle
- OSS #46: Batman
- OSS #45: Wish
- OSS #44: Not Cinderella
- OSS #43: XLIII
- OSS #42: Smile
- OSS #41: SONA
- [Filler] I Need a Name
- OSS #40: Slow Down
- OSS #39: Not Funny
- OSS #38: Let's Play
- OSS #37: Mighty Puypuy
- OSS #36: Toy-napper
- OSS #35: Why Dolls Have Sex
- OSS #34: Invasion of Privacy
- OSS #33: Role Model
- OSS #32: Flower Child
- OSS #31: Puypuy
- OSS #30: Wedding Night
- OSS #29: Lolita's Gift
- OSS #28: Wedding Presents
- OSS #27: White
- OSS #26: Cunning
- OSS #25: Score
- OSS #24: Reprise
- OSS #23: Lolita
- OSS #22: Wedding Reception
- OSS #21: Just Married
- OSS #20: New Bed
- OSS #19: Something Blue
- OSS #18: Movie Quotes
- OSS #17: Hurray For Porn
- OSS #16: Parting The Red Sea
- OSS #15: Virgin
- OSS #14: Caught In The Act
- OSS #13: Prenuptial Agreement
- OSS #12: Prenup Photos
- OSS #11: Not Ready To Marry
- OSS #10: Paternity Leave
- OSS #9: Proposal
- OSS #8: Global Warming
- OSS #7: Vacation
- OSS #6: Not Gay Now
- OSS #5: Denial
- OSS #4: Nature Versus Nurture
- OSS #3: Gay Marriage
- OSS #2: Sex and Alimony
- OSS #1: Happiest Day
Author notes
Let's put back the sense in One Sixth Sense. I originally planned the dialogue with some other lines. To make it work, I need an adult female fictional character who is considered successful and unmarried yet happy. I tried searching the net for such character but Google yielded nothing acceptable. I voiced this observation through Puypuy hoping it would be funny.
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