
Chapter one Page eleven

Author notes

Chapter one Page eleven


Phew! Sorry about the wait there everybody! I got sidetracked with studies and drinking and whatnot.

Oook well now we are starting to turn up the action a little bit! Zoe's funky-looking suit will be explained.

In my vampire stories, a vampire can be killed by starving to death, bleeding to death (that is mostly only the weak ones though) or being stabbed with a silver cross. The silver cross destroys their ability to unnaturally heal, so if they are only hit on the finger they will just put a bandaid on it and get over it, but if they are pierced in the heart or other major organs they will most likely die.

Hence Zoe carrying a big arse silver cross around with her.

I got the city-scape from google and then tweaked the colours. I think it's from a flight simulator game or something…


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