Patchs Revenge

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sweetninja566 onYes yes no update but i decided to post more old art.
I drew this its supposed to be a form of the Cinderella (hence the little mice trying to cheer her up) It takes place right after Cinderella's evil stepsisters destroyed her new dress that her and the mice worked so hard on. I am proud of this picture
done in pencil and on yellow tinted photoalbum paper.
I got these books for christmas they are suede photoalbums but they work so well as fancy sketch books. I don't draw in them too often 1: cuz the pages fall out easily and 2: I usually draw at school and i don't want to lug the huge one around and the small one got kinda dirty last time i took it so i draw in it on special occasions.
BUT I LOVE THOSE SKETCHBOOKS TO DEATH!!!! I was so happy to get them it made me feel bed cuz all I got my parents was a brown leather belt loop lighter holder for my step dad and a loofa back scrubber for my mom…
HEY THEY WOULDN'T GIVE ME ANY MORE GOOD IDEAS!!! I swear im not cheap but my budget was kinda low cuz i had to fit 8 people's gifts under $70 (thats all I made till Min wage went up) remember i work at a grocery store. But i bargin shopped like no other!!! Sales are my best friend.
But this christmas is gunna be diffrent cuz im turning 16 wich means i can legally aquire more hours.
Well enjoy the filler people and im sorry about the COP page i don't know if she finished it or not. look for it we might just skip this week cuz it was a busy week. ANYWAYS i'll be posting another filler tommorow. Probaby my Cyborg ninja Dude that i drew for Custard Trout.
See you all later!!!!
sunday i should have the next page and im going to be reorganizing my pages soon so i have chapters all set up cuz the end of chapter one was a false advertisment (apologies) i just could wait to post pancho patch
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