Patchs Revenge

Author notes

page 28
sweetninja566 onFREAKING FANTASTIC!!!
yay new page!!
i forgot to mentions!! 1 more comment and HELLO 250!!!!
and a little more than half way there to 50 PAGES!
so i havn't been getting as many pageveiws latly…
mabe its lack up page updates or my story is just going too slow. NO worries!! I promise nothing but pages for the nexk WEEK! kay? Will that work? but so far i have an average of 3,300 page veiws. thats good right? Well i started ANOTHER comic. But like COP and my Big blasty guns its only going to be updated once a week. Every sunday. Its a colorful and random comic that takes place in my brain. Its going to have electricity people and people swimming in washing machines!!! ooooo intresing? no? It's called Neon Scrap but I forgot the s at the end of scraps and I don't know how to fix the name.
So i like the color of this page but the art is a little dissapointing. But the weather has been so nice latly i kinda been slacking off. I'm going to start drawing outside cuz its so pretty. And my house is 1,012,756,405 degrees.
and the computer room is even hotter!!!
Well enjoy my update and now i have to work on COP and my DD civil war comic.
here is your random phrase of the day!!!
"Radioactive Lollypops."
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