Patchs Revenge

Author notes

Fanart 2
sweetninja566 onGEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! LOOKIE SID!!!!!!!!!! LOOKIE LOOKIE!!!!!!!!!
isn't he adorable!? Drawn and colored and everything else done by the amazing KRISTEN GUDSNUK!!!!!!!! check out her comic MISFIT ASSASSINS!!!! it makes my wiggle!!!
WELL! guess who finished their Fanart for Kinimari!!!! THAT RIGHT MOI!!!!!So today was the most exciting day at work i've evr had (it's usually incredibly boring)
Why was it so exciting?!?!? (events that made it exciting)
1. Nasty Lady in the bathroom made me and Brea Laugh for an hour
2. Big ol fight in the parking lot (a lady threatened to shoot someone o.O)
3. Some dude loitering around the employee parking lot looking in our cars *fume*
4. I found out why Zack was missing the second half of school yesterday. He usually meets me by my locker but Murphey told me at lunch that some guy randomly punched him in the face while they were walking in the hallway.
But see i know the guy who punched him. Some weird drama he started by trying to slap tag Zack's house and Zack yelling at him but Zack didn't hit him back when he punched him because the boy is 1/3 Zack's size (Zack is kinda big… Huge muscels! ^.^) *daydreams* Sorry
*ehem* ANYWAYS so when he started another fight with Zack, this time Zack hit him back so he prolly suspended T.T that means i wont be able to see him.
(long story… sumed up- we got in trouble and now my parents won't let me see or talk to him outside of school)
But the nasty lady… *shivers* eeeeew
so i will be able to afford my MP3 player soon ^.^ yipee!!!!
i'm saving up for one!!
so i did an amazing picture today. I decided to put Patch and his friends into one of my photographs that I took …i think i kinda stole that idea from conned ^.^ sorry mam please don't hate me T.T ( I tried Photography for awhile [long time ago]) I have a few really good pictures.
well thats all for now
oh and people were mentioning Habbo on Fanart 1
I TOTALLY WENT THERE BEFORE!!! I made my lady dance by random people heh heh and when the walked away i'd dance stalk them ^.^ good times gooood times.
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