Patchs Revenge

Author notes

Buildings or a bug...?
sweetninja566 onSo i went a wrote this really awsome long author note thing and I went a had to refresh it but i should have clicked send again so all is lost…
Well im definetly not going to remember everything i wrote so i'll sum up what i can remember
sorry for the lack of pages I'm planning on starting them again today after i finish this upload and finish the next COP page. I'm going to try to edit this one this time. I know its not going to be as good but i forgot to ink it and send it to Kirsten yesterday so if i did send it to her she probably wont get it because shes heading home for the summer. I don't know exactly whats up so untill i get a message back i'm going to have to do COP on my own for a while. But thats no big deal. Its not like i really have much else to do… yeah my life is a bit boring.
So my sister's graduation party is coming up and she was talking to my real dad and hes not going to the party and hes going to be late to her actual ceramony because he wants to go see his friend in Des Moines… im not a father but i think it should be programed to be prioritized in his brain that his daughter graduating highschool and moving on to adult life is a bit more important than hanging out with his friends. But then again im not a dad…
As you prolly can tell already i don't get along with my dad much. We used to but ever since he married my evil stepmom the only times he ever calls is when shes on one of her dutied Travel Agent duties of travel people duities of going to forgien countries. and hes home and bored and just happens to think about it… wich isn't quite often. So i havn't really talked or seen him in about two years. He lives in Colorado and me in Iowa so he obviously dosn't visit often and i wouldn't blame him 8 hour drives are quite boring. So when he dose see us he wants to take me and Jessica shopping. Jessica is my sister. Would it be bad if i refused? I mean its not like im refusing because i don't want ot be with him its just i don't think hes ready to go shopping with me yet. I have a big chested problem so it takes me hours to find a shirt big enough in the top but small enough in the stomache and pants small enough in the waist but long enough to reach my desired length… Yes im really picky when it comes to clothes.
Well since this is getting really long i'll cut it short and metion a band called Aesop Rock i demand you to look up his song No Regrets. and listen to the lyrics. I don't care if you hate rap i don't care for it myself but you NEED to listen to that song.
I will be putting up the new Patch page tomorow so enjoy this last filler for a couple days. I've just been either swamped or just lazy either or.
But im getting close to summer break wich means updates galore!!!! WOOT!
So enjoy my abstract art and i'll see you tomorow or on COP later adios mi amigos dibuja
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