Patchs Revenge

Author notes

Page 30
sweetninja566 onOH… My… Saturns!!!!
ha i got it right now don't I?
anyways can you believe its only page 30? its cuz of all the fillers sorry guys. But goodness i do love this page i was crackin up when i drew it. I remembered that i had a inked page from a while ago so i decided to edit that one but i should have some new pens by Saturday so I'm either going to pencil a page or wait till i get them. I don't know.
So i've had this nasty little cold this week and it makes me all drowsy like so im really tierd latley. BUT WHO CARES!?!?!? Ha this means its most likly going to be Zack's little nasty cold soon. Bwah ha ha haaaa. He is the one who gave it to me. He confessed in the car on the way to school. But what sucks is when hes sick hes not sick. He has some magical immunities that don't let him seem sick. unless he eats the school food he says hes gunna throw up everyday he eats it. Hes only threw up twice though. Poor him i'd rub his belly to make him feel better but I don't think he wants me to baby him in front of other people…
HA HA GUESS WHAT I acidently gave him a bloody lip. XD *snicker*
I seriously was an acident though. He was complaining he was gunna throw up again and he did hat whole fake *Bloooehhhhh* (vomit noise) and my reflexes took part and i ended up smacking him in his face with the back part of my wrist. ( i have boney wrists) and he started bleeding I felt so bad cuz i couldn't stop laughing. then he said it made him feel all imasculate cuz his girlfriend hit him in the face and made him blled. It wasn't as bloody as the time i got elbowed in the face at a concert in the mosh pit. RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU LOVE MOSHING!!!! it was fun but i talked funny for the next two days cuz it was swollen and red. i made me feel tough ^.^
the last page there were some comments i want to respond to.
Custard Trout: I LOVED THAT MOVIE!!!!! I LOVED JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. Mostly the sets though the door frames and windows and furniture and all that reminded me of tim burton's work. I love silent movies but i've only seen a couple that one had to be my favorite next would be the garden of eden. It was kind of like a romeo and juliet type. This prfessional dancer girl was being forced to marry but she met this guy that she fell in love with. It was cute though i never got the the whole switching the lamp on and off scene…
Theorah: My Dad is married again. He got married a couple years ago to my evil stepmother. They never did invite me and my sister to the wedding. I think she purposly had it in october cuz she knew we couldn't miss school. But alls well i didn't want to go to Hawii anyways…
Well enjoy the page the first chapter is almost done. This sure is a long guest appearence but He has a big part he's the one who makes creepy stalker sid into crazy creepy stalker Sid. Big diffrence you'll see ^.^
See you all later!!!
OH OH!!! and if you havn't noticed i got a buzzcomix button now so push it please!!!! I don't think i have any votes quite yet but I'll go check it after this.
Adios amigos!!!
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