Patchs Revenge

Author notes

Page 31
sweetninja566 onHoorah!!! I was thinkin i wouldn't be able to upload it on account of my scanner goin "KABLOOEY!!!" and not working. and then my editing program was hating me too. BUT! i got it all good and ready for you all. I realized penciling a page like this takes much longer than the inking and computer diting itself. But i really like both. This one is more fun to do. but the computer coloring looks kinda better…
IT'S all up to you folks vote on wich you like better!!!
I've been listening to the Jonas Brothers latly and i have to say i like them. Their lyrics are a bit 8th grade but the play for disney so what do you expect. I'm hopin they go main main stream and get better but i like them alot so far and i have to say they are kinda cute… *^.^* (blush)
Anyways enjoy the new page tell me if you can't read it my hand writing isn't the best. But im about to go play some video games i finally got past the stupid train level on Kya- the dark lineage. And i'm gunna try Sheep again. Its for regular playstation. It took me alot to find any good games for regular playstation anymore. they were all so scratched or sports game. Idk y but i never seemed to get into sports games unless it was wrestling.
finals are next week but i only have to go to one out of my four classes. See my sceduale goes
1st block: Lifegaurding
2nd: Algebra
3rd: Spanish 3
4th: Molecular Biology
they prolly might SOUND like advanced courses but no not really all but spanish it incredibly easy. But i got two exempt forms for doing better on my ITEDS scores. It's awsome yeah?
and i already took the tests for lifegaurding and algebra. So i turned 'em in for spanish and Mol. Bio. so now i don't have to go to my lifgaurding final and all i have to do for my math one is take a chapter 11 test wich is usually only 20 some questions. Easy really ^.^
I'm good to go!!
This means i wont have to break from comic making. cool right?
well im off vote on which style you like
and please vote for me on buzzcomix!!! the button is at the bottom of the comments box!!!
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