- 1500: AvJL 49: The End!
- 1499. AvJL 48: Parting of Ways
- 1498. AvJL 47: Breaking Free
- 1497. AvJL 46: Superman vs Everyone
- 1496. AvJL 45: Superman vs The Flash
- 1495: AvJL 44: Ye Gods!
- 1494: AvJL 43: Distraction!
- 1493: AvJL 42: Boot to the Shield
- 1492: AvJL 41: Round Two
- 1491. AvJL 40: Magic Can't Save You
- 1490. AvJL 39: The Flash Tries to Talk Sense into Superman
- 1489. AvJL 38: Curing The Hulk
- 1488. AvJL 37: Flash's Plan
- 1487. AvJL 36: Recruiting The Flash
- 1486. AvJL 35: Antidote
- 1485. AvJL 34: Spider-Immunity
- 1484. AvJL 33: The Big Reveal
- 1483. AvJL 32: Saving Vic
- 1482. AvJL 31: Let them Fight!
- 1481. AvJL 30: The Final Showdown
- 1480. AvJL 29: Superman Angry!
- 1479. Avengers vs Justice League 28: Mr. Cranky
- 1478. Avengers vs Justice League 27: Decaying Orbit
- 1477: Avengers vs Justice League 26: Fight for your (Spider-)Man
- 1476. Avengers vs Justice League 25: Monologue
- 1475. Avengers vs Justice League 24: Old Rundown Church
- 1474. Avengers vs Justice League 23: Virus Alert
- 1473. Avengers vs Justice League 22: Battracker
- 1472. Avengers vs Justice League 21: Questioning
- 1471. Avengers vs Justice League 20: Back to the Watch Tower
- 1470. Avengers vs Justice League 19: Spidey Come Back!
- 1469. Avengers vs Justice League 18: Gone Spidey Gone
- 1468. Avengers vs. Justice League 17: A Call to Alfred
- 1467. Avengers vs Justice League 16: Central Park Rendezvous
- 1466. Avengers vs Justice League 15: Plans with Spider-Man
- 1465. Avengers vs Justice League 14: Desperately Seeking Spider-Man
- 1464. Avengers vs Justice League 13: Confrontation
- 1463. Avengers vs Justice League 12: Debrief
- 1462. Avengers vs Justice League 11: Virus Check
- 1461. Avengers vs Justice League 10: Asgardian and Amazonian
- 1460. Avengers vs Justice League 09: A Tactical Retreat
- 1459. Avengers vs Justice League 08: New Plan
- 1458. Avengers vs Justice League 07: Cap vs Bat
- 1457: Avengers vs Justice League 06: Saving the Hulk
- 1456. Avengers vs Justice League 05: Magic Fight!
- 1455. Avengers vs Justice League 04: Spidey vs the Flash
- 1454. Avengers vs Justice League 03: Superman vs The Hulk
- 1453. Avengers vs Justice League 02: Authority
- 1452. Avengers vs Justice League 01: Standoff
1451: Avengers vs Justice League: Title Page
- 1450. Synder Cut
- 1449. (Not) As Seen on TV
- 1448. Bats!
- 1447. The Mask of Din
- 1446. Tiger King
- 1445. Din's Mask
- 1444. The Baby Yoda Show
- 1443: Gwenpool: The Movie
- 1442. Jumping Ship
- 1441. New "Warriors"
- 1440. Pass the TP
- 1439. Brother, Can you Spare a Loaf?
- 1438. A Quiet Theater
- 1437. Friday the Tattoo
- 1436. Onward
- 1435. Leap Day
- 1434. Delivery Boy
- 1433. Belated Valentine
- 1432. May's Health
- 1431. Birds of Change?
- 1430. The Extremely Excellent Discussion of Batsy and Spidey
- 1429. Prime Show
- 1428. Blacking Out
- 1427. Morbius: The Living ~~Clown~~Vampire
- 1426. Bale on Thor Four
- 1425. Clown And Out
- 1424. That Bat Needs Therapy
- 1423. 2020 Resolution
- 1422. Not Another Baby Yoda Comic!
- 1421. Christmas Planning
- 1420. Baby Yoda
- 1419. Pez Dispenser
- 1418. Thanksgiving 2019
- 1417. RuInEd FoReVer!!!1
- 1416. Updated Sonic
- 1415. The Fettalorian
- 1414. Spiked Cowl Man
- 1413. Ten Year Anniversary
- 1412. The Ruins
- 1411. Fan Hate
- 1410. The Twinkie Smuggler (Not a Euphemism!)
- 1409. American Catwoman
- 1408. Body Worn Cameras
- 1407. Which Phoenix?
- 1406. Back to the MCU
- 1405. Rid-Hill Me This, Batman!
- 1404. Eddie
- 1403: Sword Practice
- 1402: Mephisto?
- 1401. The Devil's in the Salutations
- 1400. Into the Pool-Verse
- 1399. The Mask of Deadpool
- 1398. F*** You, Sony!
- 1397. Oh Yeah?
- 1396. Sight Gag
- 1395. Fake and Furious
- 1394. Cats! (Ahhh Aaaaah!)
- 1393. A New Foe has Appeared!
- 1392. Victory!
- 1391. Spider-Man vs Simba
- 1390: Endgame Goals
- 1389. Naked Pictures of Your Spider
- 1388. Poor Man Spider
- 1387. Deadpool's Patriotism
- 1386. Far From Friday
- 1385. Gwenwear
- 1384. So Damn Hot
- 1383. Symbiote Saga
- 1382. Venomized
- 1381. Women and Men in Black
- 1380. Not-so-Dark Phoenix?
- 1379. Improvements
- 1378. Ledgy's Foes
- 1377. Ledgy's Turn
- 1376. True Weakness
- 1375. Spidey's Weakness
- 1374. Mysterio the Ally?
- 1373. Far From Spoilers
- 1372. Talk-A-Chu!
- 1371. We Have a Budget?
- 1370. The Iron Throne
- 1369. Consulary Tickets
- 1368. Endgame Premiere
- 1367. Fake Kills
- 1366. Team-Up Rules
- 1365. Hellboy Reboot
- 1364. Last Time, I Swear!
- 1363. April Fools?
- 1362. Iron Lawyer
- 1361. In Thanos's Endgame
- 1360. Captain Shazam?
- 1359. Special Eyes
- 1358. After the Movie
- 1357. Fight For Your Right to Marvel
- 1356. Waiting for Go-Danvers
- 1355. Dazedpool
- 1354. Oscar Winners
- 1353. Deadpool vs Ant-Man
- 1352. Rudd-Ged Looks
- 1351. Team Insect
- 1350. Daughter of Mine
- 1349. Rogue X Spider-Man
- 1348. What about Batman?
- 1347. Grab 'Em By the...Tail?
- 1346. Far From Holland
- 1345. Gwen vs Wade
- 1344. Gwen and the Bat
- 1343. Spider and the Gwen
- 1342: Introducing Gwenpool!
- 1341. Return From the Spider Verse
- 1340. The Return of the Superior Spider-Man
- 1339: Go See Aquaman!
- 1338. A Movie of His Own
- 1337. 1NT0 GW3N'$ $P1D3R V3R$3
- 1336. Savage!
- 1334. Once Upon a Cash Grab
- 1334. More Marvel Movie...uh...Trailers
- 1333. Still Thankful?
- 1332. Thankful 2018
- 1331. Pika!
- 1330. In Loving Memory
- 1329. Midterms
- 1328. Deadpool's Costume
- 1327. Buried
- 1326. Oversaturated
- 1325. Overused
- 1324: I'll Make it Legal
- 1323. A Darker Shade of Spandex
- 1322. Never Tell Us the Odds
- 1321. Caged Noir
- 1320. Stardo
- 1319. Riffing
- 1318. Paws
- 1317: The Predator: The Movie
- 1316. Hip Hop
- 1315. Puddlegate
- 1314. Spidey's Got a New Game
- 1313. The $1500 Invite
- 1312. Batman's Darkest Secret
- 1311. Mar'Vell
- 1310. The Meg
- 1309. Sherlock Homies
- 1308. Bendy Snitch Cabbage Class
- 1307.Mustache Impossible
- 1306. Guardian of the Gunn
- 1305. Superhero Metabolism
- 1304. Ellipsis
- 1303. The Third Raimi Movie
- 1302. Sanderson
- 1301. Ant-Man and the Wasp
- 1300. Characters Wanted
- 1299. Gyllenhaal
- 1298. False Alarm
- 1297. Godwin's Law
- 1296. Incredible
- 1295. E3 Footage
- 1293. Summer Movies 2018
- 1293. Feel Good
- 1292. Order 77
- 1291. Rich Measuring
- 1290: Chimi...ehhh...
- 1289. Deadpool 2 Premiere
- 1288. Pop!
- 1287. Loss
- 1286. Pink is the New Black
- 1285: May the Fourth
- 1284. Deadpool Abroad
- 1283. The Mad Titan Rises
- 1283. Living in the Past
- 1281. Rampage
- 1280. Mark F***in' Zuckerberg
- 1279. Dickinson
- 1278. Actor Game
- 1277. Tony Does the Dinosaur
- 1276. Balance
- 1275. Nuts!
- 1274. The Quest for More Money
- 1273. Remembering a Genius
- 1272. Baby Baby
- 1271. GPS
- 1270. Rogue Power
- 1269. 'Splainin'
- 1268. Black Panther
- 1267. No Reservations
- 1266. Venom Teaser
- 1265. Deadpool 2 Trailer
- 1264. Socks
- 1263 ZUUL, MOTHERF***ER!
- 1262. Reporter
- 1261. DWI
- 1260. Cyber Sleuth
- 1259. Megazord
- 1258. Spirit Boards
- 1257. Food Mascots
- 1256. Spider-Cat
- 1255. Discovering Discovery
- 1254. Favorite X-Man
- 1253. En Español Por Favor
- 1252. Kylo's Relic
- 1251. Kylo's Mask
- 1250. Resolutions
- 1249. Cable's Daddy
- 1248. Unwrapped
- 1247. Disney Employee
- 1246: It Rhymes...kinda...not really
- 1245. Victory Pose
- 1244. Cultural Appropriation
- 1243. Jurassic Park 2: The Jurassicening
- 1242. Redesign
- 1241: Early Showing
- 1240: Oh hai, Peter
- 1239. No Odd Job
- 1238. Deadpool's Big Haul
- 1237. A Midgard Thanksgiving
- 1236. I Put a Smile on You
- 1235. Pep Talk
- 1234. Amazing! That's the same combination I have on my luggage!
- 1233. Duck Floats
- 1232. Are you a god?
- 1231. Mama Mia!
- 1230. Playing with Mario
- 1229. Thor's Day
- 1228. Enemy Name
- 1227. Odyssey
- 1226. Magneto Costume
- 1225. Dating Website
- 1224. CGI Doctoring
- 1223. Star Raccoon
- 1222. Progressive Marvel
- 1221. The Milano
- 1220. Telltale Troubles
- 1219. New Star Wars Films
- 1218. The A
- 1217. Discovery
- 1216. Clue on the Murder Express
- 1215. Skywalker was His Name-O
- 1214. New Metroid
- 1213: Hulk and Thor
- 1212. Sanchez 17: Epilogue
- 1211. Sanchez 16: Theives
- 1210. Sanchez 15: Farewell
- 1209. Sanchez 14: Companions
- 1208. Sanchez 13: Rick's Portal Device
- 1207. Sanchez 12: Rick vs The Doctor
- 1206. Sanchez 11: Doctor, Doctor, Doctor
- 1205. Sanchez 10: Walk This Way
- 1204. Sanchez 09: Say My Name
- 1203. Sanchez 08: Wade and Morty
- 1202. Sanchez 07: Superfan
- 1201. Sanchez 06: Bat and Morty
- 1200. Adaption Expectations
- 1199. Sanchez 05:What about Morty?
- 1198. Sanchez 04: Inspiration
- 1197. Sanchez 03: Rick Meets Spider-Man
- 1196. Sanchez 02: Broken
- 1195. Sanchez 01: Discovery
- 1194. Valerian
- 1193. Ask Deadpool #3
- 1192. Female Doctor
- 1191. What does the A stand for?
- 1190. Killer Clown
- 1189. Irrelevant Videos
- 1188. Yet ANOTHER Homecomic Comic
- 1187. Findependence Day
- 1186. Defensive Driving
- 1185: Bird Person
- 1184. Silent Bee
- 1183. Mask Hair
- 1182. Fantastic Disappointment
- 1181. The Last Knight
- 1180: Amazon Island
- 1179. In Memory of Adam We
- 1178. Punch Puller
- 1177. Fidget
- 1176. Girl Plan
- 1175. Wonderful Movie
- 1174. War Machine Movie
- 1173. Flat Earth
- 1172. Attempt Two
- 1171. Reshoots
- 1170. Spider-Man vs Wolverine
- 1169. Switch
- 1168. Vol 2
- 1167. Haunted 07: Kylo Rant
- 1166: Haunted 06: Meeting Your Hero
- 1165: Haunted 05: It's Nerf Herder or Nothin'!
- 1164: Haunted 04: F*** Yer Father
- 1163: Haunted 03: Split
- 1162. Haunted 02: Force Ghost
- 1161. Haunted 01: Vader Appears
- 1160. The Last Teaser
- 1159. Flight
- 1158. New Cast
- 1157. Hulkbuster
- 1156. Hit on the Witch
- 1155. Lego Hulk
- 1154: Calamity
- 1153. Batgirl Movie
- 1152. Missing Rangers
- 1151. Lego Batpool
- 1150. Missing Cowl
- 1149. Lowrider
- 1148. Lego Batgirl
- 1147. Batman vs. Batman
- 1146. Gotham Bells
- 1145. Rivals
- 1144. Creator
- 1143. Grandpa Vader
- 1142. Logan Movie
- 1141. The Pewdie Conspiracy
- 1140. Trailer Trailer
- 1139. Beam Sword
- 1138. Reprogramming
- 1137. Obsolete Armor
- 1136. Bat Eats Crow
- 1135. Lego Denial
- 1134. Back Talk
- 1133. New Helmet
- 1132. Old Friends
- 1131. Presence
- 1130. Flashpoint Another Day
- 1129. No Director
- 1128. Some Kind...
- 1127.Fett's Escape
- 1126. The Last Jedi
- 1125. Property of Wayne Enterprises
- 1124. Droid Found
- 1123.Bond, Wolverine, and Deadpool
- 1122. Super Read
- 1121. New Mono Ick
- 1120. Mind the Plot Gap
- 1119. Save the Girl
- 1118. Spidey, It's Cold Outside
- 1117. Pop Rocks and Coke
- 1116. Rule 34
- 1115. Spider Person
- 1114. Boxing Day
- 1113. Peter and Barry
- 1112. Life Day
- 111. Rogue's Christmas Wish
- 1110. Selective Hearing
- 1109. Captured
- 1108. Jango's Got a Gun
- 1107. Jimmy
- 1106. The Right Price
- 1105. Literarlly
- 1104. Stare into the Subliminal
- 1103. Outdated Spoilers
- 1102. Holy Bat-Prefix, Batman!
- 1101. Villainsgiving
- 1100. Upcoming Movies
- 1099. Reminder
- 1098. Twelfth Doctor
- 1097. Homecoming
- 1096. 2016 Election
- 1095. Supreme
- 1094. Smartphones
- 1093. Halloween Movies
- 1092. Desperately Seeking Director
- 1091. Deadpool's Invite
- 1090. Bendy Mitch Cuddle Snack
- 1089. Old Man Trailer
- 1088. Stepmom
- 1087. Giant Marshmallow Dream
- 1086. Shin Godzilla
- 1085. Power Teaser
- 1084. Clown Apocalyspe
- 1083. The The
- 1082. Cancer Awareness
- 1081.Holland Costume
- 1080. Future Tony
- 1079. Replacement Uniform
- 1078. Battle for the Shield
- 1077. Underutilized
- 1076. Citizen Wade
- 1075. Alternate Costume
- 1074. Bully for You
- 1073. pPhone
- 1072. Limited Release
- 1071. Room Without a Roof
- 1070. New Challenger Approaches!
- 1069. Carter
- 1068. Laika
- 1067. Setting the Trap
- 1066. Ringtone
- 1065. No Spider's Sky
- 1064. Newt
- 1063. Fears
- 1062. The F-ing Joke
- 1061: First!
- 1060. Stroke Shot Pool
- 1059: Martha?
- 1058. Charizard Go
- 1057. Fast Talker
- 1056. To Catch a Terminator
- 1055. Recruiter
- 1054. Close, But No Cigar
- 1053. Slade's Eye Is Missing
- 1052. The Late Wilsonwadewilson
- 1051. The Titles
- 1050. The 78 Percent
- 1049. Blue Umbrella
- 1048. Pokemon IRL
- 1047. The Avenging Bat
- 1046. Resurgence
- 1045. Canada Day
- 1044. Captain's Shield
- 1043. Brexit
- 1042. I'm Gonna Spell it Out For You
- 1041. The Head of the Power Rangers
- 1040. Dairangers
- 1039. Sherlocked
- 1038. Spider-Man the Insomniac
- 1037. Mass Hysteria
- 1036. BFG
- 1035. #FindCaptainAmericaawhat?!?
- 1034. Perspective
- 1033. Delivering a Message
- 1032. Ain't No Rest For the Wicked
- Episode 1031: A New Minion
- 1030. Red and Blue
- 1029. Rogue Cut
- 1028. Fries
- 1027. Trailerbusters
- 1026. Rocket's Request
- 1025. May and the Bat
- 1024. Rice
- 1023. The Astonishing Speed Force
- 1022. Mama Stark
- 1021. Hot May
- 1020. MCU Villains
- 1019. Mega Confusion
- 1018. Toads vs Turtles
- 1017. Rogue One
- 1016. BFF
- 1015. Homecoming
- 1014. Touchy Subject
- 1013. Snap, Crack, Denial
- 1012. Strategy
- 1011. Hulk Pants
- 1010. Bat Gun
- 1009. Lego Takeover
- 1008. Super Jet
- 1007. Spider-Plan
- 1006. Scoring Bad
- 1005. Parker and Wilson '16
- 1004. Stark and Wayne '16
- 1003. Voice Changer
- 1002. Repeat Actor
- 1001. Underoos
- 1000. The Great M
- 999. Spidey Mask
- 998. Dark Helmet
- 997. New Suit
- 996. Fuller House
- 995. Mortal Enemy
- 994. What's My Name?
- 993. The Amazing Speed Force
- 992. Identities
- 991. DMX-Men
- 990. I ♥ You
- 989. Spider-Man B Minor
- 988. Out of the Shadows
- 987. United We Stand
- 986. Mass Extinction
- 985. Hello?
- 984. Business Advice
- 983. The Fantastic Speed Force
- 982. Brood One
- 981. Spider-Man the Leader
- 980. Speed Date
- 979. Queen
- 978. The Almighty Speedforce
- 977. Showdown
- 976. Clash to the Future
- 975. Couples Thing
- 974. Supporting Flash
- 973. Connections
- 972. New Years Plans
- 971. Christmas Trailer
- 970. Very Special
- 969. Christmas Movies
- 968.Christmas Wishes: Dragon Edition
- 967. Shrinkage
- 966. The Spoilers Awaken
- 965. Qiib Dovah
- 964. Jolly Old Saint Wade
- 963. The Embarrassment of Smaug
- 962. Christmas Wishes
- 961. Christmas with May
- 960. Doomed Trailer
- 959. Marty!
- 958. The Fastest Man Alive
- 957. Post-Thanksgiving Thankfulness
- 956. Dead Bodies Everywhere
- 955. Runner's Body
- 954. It Came From the Legoverse 24: Fellowship of the Brick
- 953. It Came From the Legoverse 23: Heading Home
- 952. It Came From the Legoverse 22: The Doctor is in
- 951. It Came From the Legoverse 21: Lego Brawl
- 950. It Came from the Legoverse 20: The Return
- 949. It Came From the Legoverse 19:Stranded
- 948. It Came From the Legoverse 18: Attack From Titan
- 947. It Came From the Legoverse 17: Free Sword
- 946. It Came from the Legoverse 16: Ladies First
- 945. It Came from the Legoverse 15: Monologue
- 944. It Came From the Legoverse 14: Wyldstyle's Guess
- 943. It Came From the Legoverse 13: Disturbance
- 942. It Came From the Legoverse 12: Captured Spider
- 941. It Came From the Legoverse 11: Broken Gate
- 940. It Came From the Legoverse 10: Smeagol
- 939. It Came From the Legoverse 09: Timing!
- 938. It Came From the Legoverse 08: Special Batman
- 937. It Came From the Legoverse 07:Comparing Sides
- 936. It Came From the Legoverse 06: We Don't Need Their Scum
- 935. It Came From the Legoverse 05: Mercs
- 934. It Came From the Legoverse 04: Into the Gate
- 933. It Came From the Legoverse 03: Preparations
- 932. It Came from the Legoverse 02: The Discovery
- 931. It Came from the Legoverse 01: Look at This!
- 930.All-Star Batpool
- 929. Red Shirts
- 928. Exterminlater
- 927. The Other Bat Gordon
- 926. Pro
- 925. Level Maker
- 924. Tropical Freeze
- 923. Splatoon
- 922. Broken Pipe
- 921. The Truth
- 920. The Merc with a Watch
- 919. Swift Attack
- 918. Dalek Joke
- 917. Unmasked
- 916. Phonication
- 915. Chicken
- 914. Bowser's M.O.
- 913. Thought Experiment
- 912. The Chase
- 911. Lego League
- 910. Lego Batman
- 909. Batmobile: Arkham Knight
- 908. Missing Trailer
- 907. Arkham Scarecrow
- 906. Deep Secrets 2
- 905. Broiled
- 904. Story Topper
- 903. Pixels
- 902. Eternal Flame
- 901. Netflix Daredevil
- 900. Night of the Living Sprite Comic
- 899. Suicide Squad Joker
- 898. Wayne Tower
- 897. Game of Somethings
- 896. Grandpa Rogers
- 895. Independence Day
- 894. Lang
- 893. Motivational Speech
- 892. Game of Flags
- 891. Template
- 890. Political Cartoon
- 889. Rematch
- 888. Legendary T. Rex
- 887. The League Strikes Back
- 886. Sword of the Demon
- 885. Jurassic World
- 884. Spin Attack
- 883. Wilson Wars
- 882. Rifleman's Creed
- 881. Laboring the Point
- 880. Semantics
- 879. Dennis
- 878. Jokermobile
- 877. Leader
- 876. Ledgy vs Zilla
- 875. Initiation
- 874. Gratitude Crystals
- 873. Ceasefire
- 872. Poking the Bat
- 871. Photosynthesis
- 870. Pinball Test Subject
- 869. Turned Down
- 868. Depressed Cephalopod
- 867. Iron Scapegoat
- 866. There Will Be Kneel
- 865. Jared is a Punk Joker
- 864. Trailer Season
- 863. Raven's Suggestion
- 862. There Will Be Blood
- 861. Hush
- 860. Normal Tuesday Night
- 859. Actual Cannibal
- 858. Shia Surprise
- 857. The League of Disappointment
- 856. Eject
- 855. The Spider with the Mouth
- 854. April First
- 853. Double Booked
- 852. Punchline
- 851. Ebola
- 850. The Tree, The Bat, and The Plumber
- 849. The Groot Connection
- 848. Super Gift
- 847. Upgrade...sort of.
- 846. Passing the Torch
- 845. Velocity
- 844. Rated M
- 843. Descent Into Madness
- 842. Big Fish
- 841. Subtitles
- 840. The Blue Dress
- 839. Venom Reformed
- 838. Water Hombre
- 837. Cinematic Avenger
- 836. Logical
- 835. Recruiting
- 834. Keeping Up With the Shockwaves 05: Cancelled
- 833. Keeping Up with the Shockwaves 04:
- 832. Keeping Up With The Shockwaves 03: Puppy
- 831. Keeping Up With The Shockwaves 02: Energon
- 830. Keeping Up With The Shockwaves 01: Pilot
- 829. Bromancing the Stone
- 828. Cyborg Meets Spider-Man
- 827. Hulk vs Raccoon
- 826. Cyborg and Batman
- 825. Special Suits
- 824. He is Groot
- 823. Sixty Million
- 822. Overused Running Gag
- 821. Heart Box
- 820. Plumber On Duty
- 819. Master Builder
- 818. Warp Pipe
- 817. Walking Treeoids
- 816. The Bat and the Raccoon
- 815. Disney Infinity
- 814. The Bodyguard
- 813. That Symbiote Jerk
- 812. Deadpool and Rocket
- 811. Comparing Weapons
- 810. Deadpool's Wishlist
- 809. Christmas Shopping Advice
- 808. The First Day of Christmas
- 807. Speech Bubbles
- 806. Mrr Mrr Mrr Mrr!
- 805. Gamersgate
- 804. Suicide Squad Casting
- 803. Immature
- 802. Broadsword
- 801. Dinner Conversations
- 800. Behind the Scenes
- 799. Shield Envy
- 798. Trap Team
- 797. Age of Utrom
- 796. Venom Meets Batman
- 795. Leg Day
- 794. Previously on The Thunderbolts...
- 793. Just a Mask
- 792. Agent Venom's Abilities
- 791. Anniversary
- 790. Spider-Man and Venom
- 789. Symbiote Story
- 788. Phase III
- 787. Agent Venom
- 786. PSA
- 785. DC Cinematic Universe
- 784. Hardy's Apocalypse
- 783. Donatello Does Machines
- 782. Bat-Shaped
- 781. King of Monsters
- 780. Deep Secrets
- 779. Wadey Darko
- 778. Turtles
- 777. That Guy?
- 776. Nick and Fox 07: Epilogue
- 775. Nick and Fox 06: Bay of Turtles
- 774. Nick and Fox 05: Showdown
- 773. Nick and Fox 04: Hotheads
- 772. Nick and Fox 03: Donatello's Plan
- 771. Nick and Fox 02: In Stereo
- 770. Nick and Fox 01: Two Raphs
- 769. Live Action JLA
- 768. Daughter of Deadpool
- 767. Up in the Heavens
- 766. Landfill Games
- 765. Kent and Parker
- 764: Retraction
- 763. The Goblin Returns
- 762. Snowman
- 761. Topless Robot
- 760. Bane vs. Superman?
- 759. ALS Challenge
- 758. Good Bruce Hunting
- 757. Superman's Identity
- 756. House of Wilson
- 755. Elsa
- 754. Incoming 12th
- 753. Ninja Turtles Movie
- 752. Raiders of the Covenant of Primus
- 751. Semi
- 750. Ol' White Eyes
- 749. Leaked Footage
- 748. Clown Car
- 747. Belated Batman Day
- 746. Enemies
- 745. Duran Duran
- 744. Danger Zone
- 743. Disconnected
- 742. Spell Book
- 741. Raven's Read Poster
- 740. Destiny
- 739. Wilder
- 738. Bee vs. Bee
- 737. Mute Bee
- 736. Rise of the Dark MacGuffin
- 735. Impostor
- 734. Keeping Up with Wade
- 733. Chum
- 732. It Ain't Easy Being Green
- 731. Petirrojo
- 730. Brothers...Kind of
- 729. Rivals
- 728. Scarlet and Rogue
- 727. The Wrong Spider
- 726. Delayed Knight
- 725. Mrs. Pool
- 724. One Bad Tweet
- 723. Analytical Reasoning
- 722. Electric Nachos
- 721. The Wise Spider's Fear
- 720. Days of Lizards Past
- 719. Fatzilla
- 718. Mecha King Ghidorah Meets Kiryu
- 717. Godzilla vs. Mr. White
- 716. Batfleck's Batsuit
- 715. Typo
- 714. Old vs. New
- 713. More Spider-Men
- 712. The [Adjective] Spider-Man
- 711. Dr. Dillon
- 710. Wolverine vs. Scarlet Spider
- 709. The Sinister League 25: Chekhov's Sword
- 708. The Sinister League 24: The Final Countdown
- 707. The Sinister league 23: The Other Devices
- 706. The Sinister League 22: Tank Missile
- 705. The Sinister League 21: Mental Image
- 704. The Sinister League 20: The Raven and the Bat
- 703. The Sinister League 19: Interrogation
- 702. The Sinister League 18: Contingency Plan
- 701. The Sinister League 17: Superman vs. Zod
- 700. The Sinister League 16: Meanwhile in Metropolis...
- 699. The Sinister League 15: Contacting Stark
- 698. The Sinister League 14: Silver Reptile Down
- 697. The Sinister League 13: Shoulder Cannons
- 696. The Sinister League 12: The Joker's New Toy
- 695. The Sinister League 11: Enhanced Goblin
- 694. The Sinister League 10: Unibeam
- 693. The Sinister League 09: No Backup
- 692. The Sinister League 08: Electro and The Goblin
- 691. The Sinister League 07: Stark to the Rescue
- 690. The Sinister League 06: Enter The Goblin
- 689. The Sinister League 05: Briefing
- 688. The Sinister League 04: Enticing The Joker
- 687. The Sinister League 03: Recruiting Osborn
- 686. The Sinister League 02: The Plan
- 685. The Sinister League 01: Phantom Zone
- 684. The Parker Curse
- 683. Let Them Eat Cake
- 682. Spider-Man's Plea
- 681. "Evil" Spider-Man
- 680. The Other Scarlet Spider
- 679. Deadpool Meets Scarlet Spider
- 678. Iron Beetle
- 677. Superior?
- 676. Beast Boy
- 675. Summons
- 674. Large Cat
- 673. Eisenberg and Irons
- 672. Two-Cheeks
- 671. It's Magic!
- 670. God Mode
- 669. Bringing "Amazing" Back
- 668. Birds of a Feather
- 667. Spooky Scary
- 666. The Number of the Beast
- 665. Requiescat in Pace
- 664. An Unearthly Child
- 663. Deadpool Sans Pounches
- 662. Li'l Pool
- 661. Ivy's Leaves
- 660. Love and Peace
- 659. New Years Eve
- 658. Left Out
- 657. 12 Updates of Christmas 12: Dragons
- 656. 12 Updates of Christmas 11: Gojira
- 655. 12 Updates of Christmas 10: Bats
- 654: 12 Updates of Christmas 09: Supervillains
- 653. 12 Updates of Christmas 08: Skylanders Swap Force
- 652. 12 Updates of Christmas 07: Mandalorians
- 651. 12 Updates of Christmas 06: Power Rangers
- 650. 12 Updates of Christmas 05: Companions
- 649. 12 Updates of Christmas 04: Ninja Turtles
- 648. 12 Updates of Christmas 03: Time Lords
- 647. 12 Updates of Christmas 2: Kryptonians
- 646. 12 Updates of Christmas: Fourth Wall
- 645. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 14: Escape
- 644. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 13: Sonic'd
- 643. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 12: The Escape of the Tenth Doctor
- 642. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 11: Paradox Room
- 641. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 10: It's a TRAP!
- 640. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 09: The Doctor By Any Other Face
- 639. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 08: Enter the 9th
- 638. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 07: Rose
- 637. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 06: Rory Williams
- 636. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 05: Change Faces!
- 635. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 04: 10 meets 11
- 634. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 03: Regeneration
- 633. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 02: The Second TARDIS
- 632. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 01: The Arrival of the 11th Doctor
- 631. Christmas in October
- 630. Merry Batmas
- 629. Origins
- 628. Spoiler Alert
- 627. Godzilla War Stories
- 626. Rogue and Raven
- 625. Under the Purple Hood
- 624. The Master
- 623. Doctor's Companion
- 622. Remote
- 621. Meditation
- 620. Arkham Costume
- 619. The Raven and The Bat
- 618. The Raven (Abridged)
- 617. Coulson
- 616. Breaking Fast
- 615. Take It Off!
- 614. Battle of the Atom
- 613. The Biebster
- 612. Catered Food
- 611. Dragonpool
- 610. To Catch a Dent
- 609. AoTT
- 608. Actor Rumors
- 607. Gofram
- 606. Age of Ultron
- 605. Mini-Glider
- 604. Iron Man Meets Superman
- 603. Affleckman
- 602. Drunk Duck is Still Down
- 601. Wash
- 600. Broken Batsignal
- 599. Censored
- 598. So Long And Thanks For All The Heroics
- 597. Assimilation
- 596. Batman Drops the Ball
- 595. The 12th Doctor Revealed
- 594. New Face
- 593. Gotham's Savior
- 592. Oldman
- 591. The Wolverine
- 590. Kyle's Storm
- 589. Team-Up Movie
- 588. The Caped Crusader
- 587. The Mask of Batman
- 586. Upgrade
- 585. The House of El
- 584. Accept No Imitation
- 583. SLADE!
- 582. Incognito
- 581. Story Arcs
- 580. Cyber Chat
- 579. Fist Bump
- 578. Trophy Unlocked: Confusion
- 577. Shameless Self Promotion
- 576. Kryptonians Superior
- 575. Potato
- 574. Father's Day
- 573. Superior
- 572. Joker's Plan
- 571. Jokes on You
- 570. Confusion of the Daleks
- 569. Long Fall Boots
- 568. Grandpa Dalek
- 567. Not So Big
- 566. Giants
- 565. Death of a Clown
- 564. Riddle Me This, Doctor
- 563. Adopt-A-Portal
- 562. Stark Trek
- 561. Love³
- 560. Plush
- 559. Threequel
- 558. Dangerous Mute Lunatic
- 557. Chell Meets Deadpool
- 556. Large Obstacles
- 555. Are You Still There?
- 554. DSLR
- 553. League of WHAT?!?
- 552. Hey! Listen!
- 551. Deathstroke Origins
- 550. Stray Thought
- 549. Feeling Blue
- 548. Charms
- 547. Big Red Eye
- 546. Convoy
- 545. Arkham Origins
- 544. Headlights
- 543. Who?
- 542. The Three Doctors
- 541. Easter Surprise
- 540. Spartans
- 539. Man of Steel
- 538: Contacts
- 537. Leary
- 536. Shadowpool
- 535. Breaking Deadpool
- 534. Bazinga
- 533. Ra's Al Ghul's Destiny
- 532. Foxx
- 531. Deadpool Con Carne
- 530. I Want Your Skull
- 529. The League
- 528. The Comic is Ajar
- 527. The Eyes Have It
- 526. Oscar Tweet
- 525. Mr. Wayne
- 523. Hangover
- 522. Rose
- 521. Ashes to Ashes
- 520. Fighting is Magic
- 519. Hard Times
- 518. President's Day
- 517. T'isn't The Season
- 516. Lens Flare: The Next Generation
- 515. O'Hirn
- 514. New Banner
- 513. Ampersand
- 512. Mini Doctor
- 511. Great Scott!
- 510. Go Bleep Yourself
- 509. Lego Deadpool
- 508. Glitchin' Out
- 507. Plastic Sword
- 506. Regeneration
- 505. Shredder vs. Batman
- 504. Stuck
- 503. The Bat Something
- 502. Zod's Demands
- 501. Superior Spider-Man
- 500. Technodrome...The Final Shell Shock
- 499. A Failure to End
- 498. Doomsday
- 497. Ask Deadpool #2
- 496. Taken
- 495. Batman's Christmas Wish
- 494. Mutant Awareness Month
- 493. Wibbly Wobbly
- 492. Batman's Power
- 491. Son of Godzilla
- 490. Glasses
- 489. Clone Lake
- 488. Earth Dragon
- 487. Tutorial
- 486. Parade
- 485. Joker's Choice
- 484. Master Chief's Success
- 483. CMI
- 482. I Am (Not) Cyberman!
- 481. Bane Impression
- 480. The Doctor vs. Edward Cullen
- 479. Dalek Party
- 478. Just Friends
- 477. Disney's Star Wars
- 476. Halloween '12: Scare-Off
- 475. Organic Web
- 474. Stargate
- 473. Hybrid
- 472. Plunger
- 471. Sans Armor Reprised
- 470. Masked Man
- 469. Cap and Bane
- 468. Rogue and Wolverine
- 467. Deadpool's Plan
- 466. Jelly Babies
- 465. Does Whatever A Spider-Man Can
- 464. Rogue's Powers
- 463. The League Strikes Back
- 462. The Tenth Doctor
- 461. Daleks in Gotham
- 460. Bane's Mask
- 459. EMBRACE!
- 458. First Words
- 457. Nine and Ten
- 456. The Boy Wonder Rises
- 455. Too Many References
- 454. Catwoman's Reboot
- 453. Bane's Bane
- 452. Femme Fatale 23: Parting of Ways
- 451. Femme Fatale 22: Support
- 450. Femme Fatale 21: Ice Grenade
- 449. Femme Fatale 20: Spider vs. Plant
- 448. Femme Fatale 19: Batgirl vs. Harley Quinn
- 447. Femme Fatale 18: Batgirl to the Rescue
- 446. Femme Fatale 17: Chlorofiend
- 445. Femme Fatale 16: Cat and Spider
- 444. Femme Fatale 15: Webbed to the Floor
- 443. Femme Fatale 14: Guns N Roses
- 442. Femme Fatale 13: Detective Mode
- 441. Femme Fatale 12: Evidence
- 440. Femme Fatale 11: Police Report
- 439. Femme Fatale 10: Chemical X
- 438. Femme Fatale 09: Enter Batgirl
- 437. Femme Fatale 08: Motive
- 436. Femme Fatale 07: Business Proposal
- 435. Femme Fatale 06: Black Cat
- 434. Femme Fatale 05: The Spider This City Needs
- 433. Femme Fatale 04: Ivy Strikes Back
- 432. Femme Fatale 03: Harley vs. Spidey
- 431. Femme Fatale 02: Ivy
- 430. Femme Fatale 01: Free Harley
- 429. I Am Iron Man
- 428. Adventureland
- 427. Sans Armor
- 426. An Important Message From a Dalek
- 425. Mr. Sandman
- 424. Unnecessary Movie Promotion
- 423. Mutant Rights
- 422. Blue Suit
- 421. Costume Concerns
- 420. High
- 419. Money Fight
- 418. Magic Word
- 417. Dead Beetle
- 416. 2 Girls 1 Cup
- 415. Wilson Violence Prize
- 414. Those Little Yellow Boxes
- 413. Poozer
- 412. Enlarged Space Core
- 411. Mini-Daleks
- 410. XBox vs. PS3
- 409. Surprise Party
- 408. Darkest Knight
- 407. The Oath
- 406. Costume Construct
- 405. Ashes
- 404. Comic Not Found
- 403. The Dark Knight Rises vs. The Avengers
- 402. The New Sinister Six 24: The Spy Who Stabbed Me
- 401. The New Sinister Six 23: Secret Weapon
- 400. The New Sinister Six 22: Interrogation
- 399. The New Sinister Six 21: Kryptonite
- 398. The New Sinister Six 20: Distraction
- 397. The New Sinister Six 19: And Then There Were Two
- 396. The New Sinister Six 18: Saving the Informant
- 395. The New Sinister Six 17: The Informant
- 394. The New Sinister Six 16: Bad Joke
- 393. The New Sinister Six 15: Anti-Venom to the Rescue
- 392. The New Sinister Six 14: Superman vs. Zod
- 391. The New Sinister Six 13: Wolverine vs. Deathstroke
- 390. The New Sinister Six 12: Green Lantern vs. Deadpool
- 389. The New Sinister Six 11: Flower Power
- 388. The New Sinister Six 10: Snagged
- 387. The New Sinister Six 09: The Sinister Six vs. The Superhero Six
- 386. The New Sinister Six 08: Arcade
- 385. Anti-Venom vs. Carnage
- 384. The New Sinister Six 06: Assembled
- 383. The New Sinister Six 05: Upgrades
- 382. The New Sinister Six 04: The Plan
- 381. The New Sinister Six 03: The Sixth Member
- 380. The New Sinister Six 02: Choosing Sides
- 379. The New Sinister Six 01: Doc Ock's Plans
- 378. USS Nyan Cat
- 377. When Eve met Wheatley
- 376. Ultimately Amazing
- 375. Equestria Strikes Back
- 374. Do Not Want
- 373. Guilty Spark
- 372. Wheatley's Diagnosis
- 371. Ice Hole
- 370. Gargoyle
- 369. Sidekicks! Why did it have to be sidekicks?!?
- 368. Harvey's Nickname
- 367. The Fourth Wall Strikes Back
- 366. Mini 08: Back to Normal
- 365. Mini 07: Changing Back
- 364. Mini 06: Deadpool and Deadpool
- 363. Mini 05: Unmasked
- 362. Mini 04: Kre-O
- 361. Mini 03: Exterminate
- 360. Mini 02: Not Legos
- 359. Mini 01: The More Things Change...
- 358. Phosphorous Oxygen Nitrogen Yttrium
- 357. Hypothetical Question
- 356. Pinkie Pie and the Brain
- 355. Cherrychanga
- 354. Anti-S.O.P.A.
- 353. Wall Crawling
- 352. Imperial
- 351. Dragon Shout
- 350. Rath vs. Deadpool
- 349. Another Stab Wound
- 348. The Hunt for Deadpool
- 347. Daleky and the Wade
- 346. Deadpool's Last Attempt
- 345. Fun with a Healing Factor
- 344. Wink
- 343. Ask Deadpool
- 342. Home for the Holidays
- 341. Karate Chop Action
- 340. The Pool with a Hex
- 339. Breaking Twilight
- 338. R2 Dalek
- 337. Dalek vs. TARDIS
- 336. Batpool
- 335. Zedd vs. Zod
- 334. Chimmychangas
- 333. My Little Dalek
- 332. Kick-Ass
- 331. Doctor Who is on First
- 330. Breaking Dawn
- 329. Thanksgiving '11: Thankful
- 328. Ben's Audition
- 327. Confessions of a Merc
- 326. The Other Red Ranger
- 325. Keaton
- 324. Concession Speech
- 323. Insults
- 322. Like a Merc
- 321. Ben and Rex
- 320. Generator Rex
- 319. Halloween '11
- 318. Strong
- 317. Scheduling Error
- 316. Beyond Arkham City
- 315. The Pool and The Penguin
- 314. Arkham City
- 313. Russian Optimus
- 312. My Little Dragon
- 311. Curtains
- 310. Batman: The Animated Series
- 309. Mini Dalek
- 308. Deadpool and The Dalek
- 307. G3
- 306. Nyan Catwoman
- 305. Nyan
- 304. Soap Opera
- 303. The Doctor
- 302. TWSS
- 301. Discord
- 300. Batmissile
- 298. In Remembrance
- 297. My Little Alien
- 296. Larger Than Life
- 295. Companion Car
- 294. A Dance with the Devil
- 293. Introducing Ben Tennyson
- 292. Reset Punch
- 291. Rocket Edition
- 290. Character Alignment
- 289. Of Iguanas and Horses
- 288. Declaration to Planet Houston
- 287. Zill...a
- 286. Steel
- 285. Rubbery Lips
- 284. Deadpool and Friends
- 283. Little Knight
- 282. Maybe
- 281. Kitty Love
- 280. Crashed
- 279. Pinkie Pie
- 278. Rainbow Dash
- 277. Bob vs. Captain America
- 276. Adventure!
- 275. Laptop
- 274. The Fire Rises
- 273. Duck Season
- 272. DD Ultimatum
- 271. Shockwave
- 270. Pushover
- 269. Giant Metal Cat
- 268. Link to the Kiryu
- 267. Lightning McQueen
- 266. Dark of the Reviews
- 265. Cartman
- 264. The Trailer Conundrum
- 263. Bumblebee
- 262. Tom Kenny
- 261. Bad Reviews
- 260. Illegal
- 259. Japanese
- 258. Solid Space
- 257. Teaser Trailer
- 256. Rebooted Comics
- 255. Companion Cube
- 254. Pow!
- 253. Space Cops
- 252. Hit Me!
- 251. Q
- 250. Bane Promo Picture
- 249. Criteria
- 248. FF
- 247. Thought Box
- 246. Kirk Maneuver
- 245. Number One
- 244. Stealers Wheel
- 243. Stardate
- 242. A Klingon Aletercation
- 241. Sandwich Joke
- 240. Professor Picard
- 239. Pratfall
- 238. Peel
- 237. Shattered Asylum
- 236. Fear Gas
- 235. The Hit
- 234. Joker's Deal
- 233. Smooch
- 232. Unwanted Surprise
- 231. Karate Kick Action
- 230. Monologue
- 229. Hentai
- 228. Censorship
- 227. Hot Clown
- 226. Power Up
- 225. It's Tatopoulos!
- 224. Dress to Impress
- 223. Rodan
- 222. Cheer up, Wadey!
- 221. Hindsight
- 220. Batman Inc.
- 219. Armor Upgrade
- 218. Symbiote Flash
- 217. Deadpool vs. Predator
- 216. Catching Up
- 215. Dr. Phil
- 214. Ode to Mistah Jay
- 213. M.O.
- 212. NnnnnnDROP!!!
- 211. Protégé
- 210. Shyness
- 209. Untitled Spider-Man Comic
- 208. V-Day
- 207. Proto Batsuit
- 206. Penguin's Rant
- 205. The Fourth Wall
- 204. Mercenaries
- 203. Wilson
- 202. Dr. Strange
- 201. Back in Plastic
- 200. Double Date
- 199. Hardy
- 198. Catwoman's Announcement
- 197. Spill
- 196. Multiplicity
- 195. New Costume
- 194. White Power...Ranger
- 193. Black Widow
- 192. Caffeine Junkie
- 191. Defiant Deadpool
- 190. Phantom Zone Escapee
- 189. Newpool
- 188. Turn Off the Musical
- 187. Chill
- 186. The Gift of Harley
- 185. Gift Exchange
- 184. The Gift of Deadpool
- 183. Carnage
- 182. Twitlight
- 181. X-Man Costume
- 180. Kryptonite Knuckles
- 179. Something More Manly
- 178. Buffy 19: Spider Senses
- 177. Buffy 18: Jealousy
- 176. Buffy 17: Secrets Revealed
- 175. Buffy 16: Identity Slip
- 174. Black Friday
- 173. Thanksgiving '10 02: Still Uninvited
- 172. Thanksgiving '10 01: Uninvited
- 171. Buffy 15: Advice
- 170. Buffy 14: Damsel in Distress
- 169. Buffy 13: That's What I Like about You
- 168. Buffy 12: Responsibility
- 167. Buffy 11: Dress Code
- 166. Buffy 10: Awkward Moment
- 165. Buffy 09: Pick up Line
- 164. Drunk Duck
- 163. The Dark Knight Rises
- 162. Halloween '10: Costume Galllery
- 161. Buffy 08: Ashes
- 160. Buffy 07: Staking
- 159. Buffy 06: Holy Water
- 158. Buffy 05: Proposed Staking
- 157. Buffy 04: Soul
- 156. Buffy 03: Faux
- 155. Buffy 02: No Relation
- 154. Buffy 01: Slayers
- 153. Luthor
- 152. Snyder
- 151. Combiners
- 150. Double Rainbow Mothra
- 149. Arms
- 148. The Shocker
- 147. Pick Up Line
- 146. New Armor
- 145. Arrr!
- 144. Kiryu
- 143. The Crusher Manuever
- 142. Gay Fish
- 141. IG-88
- 140. Triceratops
- 139. Pop Quiz
- 138. Broken Down
- 137. Wicked
- 136. Movie Villain Candidate
- 135. Deformed
- 134. Wills
- 133. Schmutz
- 132. My Godzilla Collection
- 131. Bubblegum
- 130. Actor Swap
- 129. Reynolds vs. Reynolds
- 128. Wrong Moniker
- 127. Back Scratcher
- 126. Meltdown
- 125. Tokusatsu
- 124. Green Armor
- 123. Color Coordination
- 122. Gigan
- 121. Dragonzord
- 120. Shrunken
- 119. Godzilla vs. The Power Rangers
- 118. Combination
- 117. Fight the System
- 116. Henchman-napped
- 115. THIS IS (not) SPARTA!
- 114. Black Arachnia
- 113. Mistress Chief
- 112. The Pompatus of Love
- 111. The Spartan 04: Disembodied Voice
- 110. The Spartan 03: Flood vs. Elite
- 109. The Spartan 02: Spawn Camp
- 108. The Spartan 01: Overshield
- 107. McFly
- 106. Armorist
- 105. Dinner Invitation
- 104. Rorschach's journal
- 103. Sticks and Stones
- 102. What about Bob?
- 101. Buttered Cat Paradox
- 100. The 100th Pegwarmers Special
- 99. Merchandise
- 98. Mayday 06: Induction
- 97. Mayday 05: May Parker
- 96. Mayday 04: Underage
- 95. Mayday 03: Snapped
- 94. Guest Comic by Deathbeamz
- 93. Mayday 02: Vortex
- 92. Mayday 01: Arrival
- 91. Traffic
- 90. Turtle Power
- 89. Read 2
- 88. Batgirl
- 87. Doppleganger 09: Cash
- 86. Doppleganger 08: Won't Get Fooled Again
- 85. Doppleganger 07: Hallucination
- 84. Doppleganger 06: Triple Vision
- 83. Dopplegangers 05: Osborn's Evil Plan
- 82. Dopplegangers 04: Wrongfully Accused
- 81. Dopplegangers 03: Symbiote
- 80. Dopplegangers 02: We are Venom
- 79. Dopplegangers 01: Too Many Spiders!
- 78. Whedon
- 77. Past and Present
- 76. Blue Beetle
- 75. Hellboy
- 74. Comparing Scars
- 73. READ
- 72. KHAN!
- 71. Bounty Hunter
- 70. Evil Laugh
- 69. Scarecrow
- 68. Pumpkin Bomb
- 67. Bale
- 66. Sinister Six 14: Pay Out
- 65. Sinister Six 13: The Arrival
- 64. Sinister Six 12: Minor Victories
- 63. Sinister Six 11: The Tides have Turned!
- 62. Sinister Six 10: The Superhero Six vs. The Sinister Six
- 61. Sinister Six 09: The Sixth Man
- 60. Sinister Six 08: Bad Cop/Scary Cop
- 59. Sinister Six 07: Patrol
- 58. Sinister Six 06: Mr. Mxzyzptlk
- 57. Sinister Six 05: Bullseye
- 56. Sinister Six 04: Shocker
- 55. Sinister Six 03: Recruitment
- 54. Sinister Six 02: Assemble
- 53. Sinister Six 01: Recruitment
- 52. Cough Drop
- 51. Valentine's Day 03: Harley and Mistah J
- 50. Valentine's Day 02: Little Black Book
- 49. Valentine's Day 01: Unrequited
- 48. Morning Coffee
- 47. Flip of the Coin
- 46. I'm Batman
- 45. Reboot
- 44. Megatron
- 43. Riddle Me This
- 42. iRON MAN
- 41. Mysterious Skull
- 40. Raider
- 39. Guest Appearance
- 38. Inner Monologues
- 37. The Next Day
- 36. Warners
- 35. Ride the Nuke
- 34. New Mech
- 33. A Christmas Parody 12: Epilogue
- 32. A Christmas Parody 11: Christmas Morning
- 31. A Christmas Parody 10: Maximal
- 30. A Christmas Parody 09: Iron Spider-Man
- 29. A Christmas Parody 08: Ghost of Christmas Beyond
- 28. A Christmas Parody 07: Revelations
- 27. A Christmas Parody 06: Christmas present
- 26. A Christmas Parody 05: Familiar Apparitions
- 25. A Christmas Parody 04: Christmas Past
- 24. A Christmas Parody 03: Ghosting
- 23. A Christmas Parody 02: Exposition Time
- 22. A Christmas Parody 01: Ghost of Deadpool
- 21. Backup
- 20. Mechagodzilla
- 19. Gojira
- 18. Slumdog Mutantaire
- 17. Nemesis
- 16. Prowl
- 15. Disney
- 14. Support Group 05: Upcoming Movies
- 13. Support Group 04: Venom's Complaint
- 12. Support Group 03: Alan Cummings
- 11. Support Group 02: Wolverine's Movie
- 10. Support Group 01: Clooney
- 9. Anti-Venom
- 8. Brand New Day
- 7. Unmade Crossover
- 6. Ryan
- 5. Sharpshooter
- 4. I'm Batman
- 3. Outnumbered
- 2. Marvel vs. DC
- 1. Scales
- 1500: AvJL 49: The End!
- 1499. AvJL 48: Parting of Ways
- 1498. AvJL 47: Breaking Free
- 1497. AvJL 46: Superman vs Everyone
- 1496. AvJL 45: Superman vs The Flash
- 1495: AvJL 44: Ye Gods!
- 1494: AvJL 43: Distraction!
- 1493: AvJL 42: Boot to the Shield
- 1492: AvJL 41: Round Two
- 1491. AvJL 40: Magic Can't Save You
- 1490. AvJL 39: The Flash Tries to Talk Sense into Superman
- 1489. AvJL 38: Curing The Hulk
- 1488. AvJL 37: Flash's Plan
- 1487. AvJL 36: Recruiting The Flash
- 1486. AvJL 35: Antidote
- 1485. AvJL 34: Spider-Immunity
- 1484. AvJL 33: The Big Reveal
- 1483. AvJL 32: Saving Vic
- 1482. AvJL 31: Let them Fight!
- 1481. AvJL 30: The Final Showdown
- 1480. AvJL 29: Superman Angry!
- 1479. Avengers vs Justice League 28: Mr. Cranky
- 1478. Avengers vs Justice League 27: Decaying Orbit
- 1477: Avengers vs Justice League 26: Fight for your (Spider-)Man
- 1476. Avengers vs Justice League 25: Monologue
- 1475. Avengers vs Justice League 24: Old Rundown Church
- 1474. Avengers vs Justice League 23: Virus Alert
- 1473. Avengers vs Justice League 22: Battracker
- 1472. Avengers vs Justice League 21: Questioning
- 1471. Avengers vs Justice League 20: Back to the Watch Tower
- 1470. Avengers vs Justice League 19: Spidey Come Back!
- 1469. Avengers vs Justice League 18: Gone Spidey Gone
- 1468. Avengers vs. Justice League 17: A Call to Alfred
- 1467. Avengers vs Justice League 16: Central Park Rendezvous
- 1466. Avengers vs Justice League 15: Plans with Spider-Man
- 1465. Avengers vs Justice League 14: Desperately Seeking Spider-Man
- 1464. Avengers vs Justice League 13: Confrontation
- 1463. Avengers vs Justice League 12: Debrief
- 1462. Avengers vs Justice League 11: Virus Check
- 1461. Avengers vs Justice League 10: Asgardian and Amazonian
- 1460. Avengers vs Justice League 09: A Tactical Retreat
- 1459. Avengers vs Justice League 08: New Plan
- 1458. Avengers vs Justice League 07: Cap vs Bat
- 1457: Avengers vs Justice League 06: Saving the Hulk
- 1456. Avengers vs Justice League 05: Magic Fight!
- 1455. Avengers vs Justice League 04: Spidey vs the Flash
- 1454. Avengers vs Justice League 03: Superman vs The Hulk
- 1453. Avengers vs Justice League 02: Authority
- 1452. Avengers vs Justice League 01: Standoff
1451: Avengers vs Justice League: Title Page
- 1450. Synder Cut
- 1449. (Not) As Seen on TV
- 1448. Bats!
- 1447. The Mask of Din
- 1446. Tiger King
- 1445. Din's Mask
- 1444. The Baby Yoda Show
- 1443: Gwenpool: The Movie
- 1442. Jumping Ship
- 1441. New "Warriors"
- 1440. Pass the TP
- 1439. Brother, Can you Spare a Loaf?
- 1438. A Quiet Theater
- 1437. Friday the Tattoo
- 1436. Onward
- 1435. Leap Day
- 1434. Delivery Boy
- 1433. Belated Valentine
- 1432. May's Health
- 1431. Birds of Change?
- 1430. The Extremely Excellent Discussion of Batsy and Spidey
- 1429. Prime Show
- 1428. Blacking Out
- 1427. Morbius: The Living ~~Clown~~Vampire
- 1426. Bale on Thor Four
- 1425. Clown And Out
- 1424. That Bat Needs Therapy
- 1423. 2020 Resolution
- 1422. Not Another Baby Yoda Comic!
- 1421. Christmas Planning
- 1420. Baby Yoda
- 1419. Pez Dispenser
- 1418. Thanksgiving 2019
- 1417. RuInEd FoReVer!!!1
- 1416. Updated Sonic
- 1415. The Fettalorian
- 1414. Spiked Cowl Man
- 1413. Ten Year Anniversary
- 1412. The Ruins
- 1411. Fan Hate
- 1410. The Twinkie Smuggler (Not a Euphemism!)
- 1409. American Catwoman
- 1408. Body Worn Cameras
- 1407. Which Phoenix?
- 1406. Back to the MCU
- 1405. Rid-Hill Me This, Batman!
- 1404. Eddie
- 1403: Sword Practice
- 1402: Mephisto?
- 1401. The Devil's in the Salutations
- 1400. Into the Pool-Verse
- 1399. The Mask of Deadpool
- 1398. F*** You, Sony!
- 1397. Oh Yeah?
- 1396. Sight Gag
- 1395. Fake and Furious
- 1394. Cats! (Ahhh Aaaaah!)
- 1393. A New Foe has Appeared!
- 1392. Victory!
- 1391. Spider-Man vs Simba
- 1390: Endgame Goals
- 1389. Naked Pictures of Your Spider
- 1388. Poor Man Spider
- 1387. Deadpool's Patriotism
- 1386. Far From Friday
- 1385. Gwenwear
- 1384. So Damn Hot
- 1383. Symbiote Saga
- 1382. Venomized
- 1381. Women and Men in Black
- 1380. Not-so-Dark Phoenix?
- 1379. Improvements
- 1378. Ledgy's Foes
- 1377. Ledgy's Turn
- 1376. True Weakness
- 1375. Spidey's Weakness
- 1374. Mysterio the Ally?
- 1373. Far From Spoilers
- 1372. Talk-A-Chu!
- 1371. We Have a Budget?
- 1370. The Iron Throne
- 1369. Consulary Tickets
- 1368. Endgame Premiere
- 1367. Fake Kills
- 1366. Team-Up Rules
- 1365. Hellboy Reboot
- 1364. Last Time, I Swear!
- 1363. April Fools?
- 1362. Iron Lawyer
- 1361. In Thanos's Endgame
- 1360. Captain Shazam?
- 1359. Special Eyes
- 1358. After the Movie
- 1357. Fight For Your Right to Marvel
- 1356. Waiting for Go-Danvers
- 1355. Dazedpool
- 1354. Oscar Winners
- 1353. Deadpool vs Ant-Man
- 1352. Rudd-Ged Looks
- 1351. Team Insect
- 1350. Daughter of Mine
- 1349. Rogue X Spider-Man
- 1348. What about Batman?
- 1347. Grab 'Em By the...Tail?
- 1346. Far From Holland
- 1345. Gwen vs Wade
- 1344. Gwen and the Bat
- 1343. Spider and the Gwen
- 1342: Introducing Gwenpool!
- 1341. Return From the Spider Verse
- 1340. The Return of the Superior Spider-Man
- 1339: Go See Aquaman!
- 1338. A Movie of His Own
- 1337. 1NT0 GW3N'$ $P1D3R V3R$3
- 1336. Savage!
- 1334. Once Upon a Cash Grab
- 1334. More Marvel Movie...uh...Trailers
- 1333. Still Thankful?
- 1332. Thankful 2018
- 1331. Pika!
- 1330. In Loving Memory
- 1329. Midterms
- 1328. Deadpool's Costume
- 1327. Buried
- 1326. Oversaturated
- 1325. Overused
- 1324: I'll Make it Legal
- 1323. A Darker Shade of Spandex
- 1322. Never Tell Us the Odds
- 1321. Caged Noir
- 1320. Stardo
- 1319. Riffing
- 1318. Paws
- 1317: The Predator: The Movie
- 1316. Hip Hop
- 1315. Puddlegate
- 1314. Spidey's Got a New Game
- 1313. The $1500 Invite
- 1312. Batman's Darkest Secret
- 1311. Mar'Vell
- 1310. The Meg
- 1309. Sherlock Homies
- 1308. Bendy Snitch Cabbage Class
- 1307.Mustache Impossible
- 1306. Guardian of the Gunn
- 1305. Superhero Metabolism
- 1304. Ellipsis
- 1303. The Third Raimi Movie
- 1302. Sanderson
- 1301. Ant-Man and the Wasp
- 1300. Characters Wanted
- 1299. Gyllenhaal
- 1298. False Alarm
- 1297. Godwin's Law
- 1296. Incredible
- 1295. E3 Footage
- 1293. Summer Movies 2018
- 1293. Feel Good
- 1292. Order 77
- 1291. Rich Measuring
- 1290: Chimi...ehhh...
- 1289. Deadpool 2 Premiere
- 1288. Pop!
- 1287. Loss
- 1286. Pink is the New Black
- 1285: May the Fourth
- 1284. Deadpool Abroad
- 1283. The Mad Titan Rises
- 1283. Living in the Past
- 1281. Rampage
- 1280. Mark F***in' Zuckerberg
- 1279. Dickinson
- 1278. Actor Game
- 1277. Tony Does the Dinosaur
- 1276. Balance
- 1275. Nuts!
- 1274. The Quest for More Money
- 1273. Remembering a Genius
- 1272. Baby Baby
- 1271. GPS
- 1270. Rogue Power
- 1269. 'Splainin'
- 1268. Black Panther
- 1267. No Reservations
- 1266. Venom Teaser
- 1265. Deadpool 2 Trailer
- 1264. Socks
- 1263 ZUUL, MOTHERF***ER!
- 1262. Reporter
- 1261. DWI
- 1260. Cyber Sleuth
- 1259. Megazord
- 1258. Spirit Boards
- 1257. Food Mascots
- 1256. Spider-Cat
- 1255. Discovering Discovery
- 1254. Favorite X-Man
- 1253. En Español Por Favor
- 1252. Kylo's Relic
- 1251. Kylo's Mask
- 1250. Resolutions
- 1249. Cable's Daddy
- 1248. Unwrapped
- 1247. Disney Employee
- 1246: It Rhymes...kinda...not really
- 1245. Victory Pose
- 1244. Cultural Appropriation
- 1243. Jurassic Park 2: The Jurassicening
- 1242. Redesign
- 1241: Early Showing
- 1240: Oh hai, Peter
- 1239. No Odd Job
- 1238. Deadpool's Big Haul
- 1237. A Midgard Thanksgiving
- 1236. I Put a Smile on You
- 1235. Pep Talk
- 1234. Amazing! That's the same combination I have on my luggage!
- 1233. Duck Floats
- 1232. Are you a god?
- 1231. Mama Mia!
- 1230. Playing with Mario
- 1229. Thor's Day
- 1228. Enemy Name
- 1227. Odyssey
- 1226. Magneto Costume
- 1225. Dating Website
- 1224. CGI Doctoring
- 1223. Star Raccoon
- 1222. Progressive Marvel
- 1221. The Milano
- 1220. Telltale Troubles
- 1219. New Star Wars Films
- 1218. The A
- 1217. Discovery
- 1216. Clue on the Murder Express
- 1215. Skywalker was His Name-O
- 1214. New Metroid
- 1213: Hulk and Thor
- 1212. Sanchez 17: Epilogue
- 1211. Sanchez 16: Theives
- 1210. Sanchez 15: Farewell
- 1209. Sanchez 14: Companions
- 1208. Sanchez 13: Rick's Portal Device
- 1207. Sanchez 12: Rick vs The Doctor
- 1206. Sanchez 11: Doctor, Doctor, Doctor
- 1205. Sanchez 10: Walk This Way
- 1204. Sanchez 09: Say My Name
- 1203. Sanchez 08: Wade and Morty
- 1202. Sanchez 07: Superfan
- 1201. Sanchez 06: Bat and Morty
- 1200. Adaption Expectations
- 1199. Sanchez 05:What about Morty?
- 1198. Sanchez 04: Inspiration
- 1197. Sanchez 03: Rick Meets Spider-Man
- 1196. Sanchez 02: Broken
- 1195. Sanchez 01: Discovery
- 1194. Valerian
- 1193. Ask Deadpool #3
- 1192. Female Doctor
- 1191. What does the A stand for?
- 1190. Killer Clown
- 1189. Irrelevant Videos
- 1188. Yet ANOTHER Homecomic Comic
- 1187. Findependence Day
- 1186. Defensive Driving
- 1185: Bird Person
- 1184. Silent Bee
- 1183. Mask Hair
- 1182. Fantastic Disappointment
- 1181. The Last Knight
- 1180: Amazon Island
- 1179. In Memory of Adam We
- 1178. Punch Puller
- 1177. Fidget
- 1176. Girl Plan
- 1175. Wonderful Movie
- 1174. War Machine Movie
- 1173. Flat Earth
- 1172. Attempt Two
- 1171. Reshoots
- 1170. Spider-Man vs Wolverine
- 1169. Switch
- 1168. Vol 2
- 1167. Haunted 07: Kylo Rant
- 1166: Haunted 06: Meeting Your Hero
- 1165: Haunted 05: It's Nerf Herder or Nothin'!
- 1164: Haunted 04: F*** Yer Father
- 1163: Haunted 03: Split
- 1162. Haunted 02: Force Ghost
- 1161. Haunted 01: Vader Appears
- 1160. The Last Teaser
- 1159. Flight
- 1158. New Cast
- 1157. Hulkbuster
- 1156. Hit on the Witch
- 1155. Lego Hulk
- 1154: Calamity
- 1153. Batgirl Movie
- 1152. Missing Rangers
- 1151. Lego Batpool
- 1150. Missing Cowl
- 1149. Lowrider
- 1148. Lego Batgirl
- 1147. Batman vs. Batman
- 1146. Gotham Bells
- 1145. Rivals
- 1144. Creator
- 1143. Grandpa Vader
- 1142. Logan Movie
- 1141. The Pewdie Conspiracy
- 1140. Trailer Trailer
- 1139. Beam Sword
- 1138. Reprogramming
- 1137. Obsolete Armor
- 1136. Bat Eats Crow
- 1135. Lego Denial
- 1134. Back Talk
- 1133. New Helmet
- 1132. Old Friends
- 1131. Presence
- 1130. Flashpoint Another Day
- 1129. No Director
- 1128. Some Kind...
- 1127.Fett's Escape
- 1126. The Last Jedi
- 1125. Property of Wayne Enterprises
- 1124. Droid Found
- 1123.Bond, Wolverine, and Deadpool
- 1122. Super Read
- 1121. New Mono Ick
- 1120. Mind the Plot Gap
- 1119. Save the Girl
- 1118. Spidey, It's Cold Outside
- 1117. Pop Rocks and Coke
- 1116. Rule 34
- 1115. Spider Person
- 1114. Boxing Day
- 1113. Peter and Barry
- 1112. Life Day
- 111. Rogue's Christmas Wish
- 1110. Selective Hearing
- 1109. Captured
- 1108. Jango's Got a Gun
- 1107. Jimmy
- 1106. The Right Price
- 1105. Literarlly
- 1104. Stare into the Subliminal
- 1103. Outdated Spoilers
- 1102. Holy Bat-Prefix, Batman!
- 1101. Villainsgiving
- 1100. Upcoming Movies
- 1099. Reminder
- 1098. Twelfth Doctor
- 1097. Homecoming
- 1096. 2016 Election
- 1095. Supreme
- 1094. Smartphones
- 1093. Halloween Movies
- 1092. Desperately Seeking Director
- 1091. Deadpool's Invite
- 1090. Bendy Mitch Cuddle Snack
- 1089. Old Man Trailer
- 1088. Stepmom
- 1087. Giant Marshmallow Dream
- 1086. Shin Godzilla
- 1085. Power Teaser
- 1084. Clown Apocalyspe
- 1083. The The
- 1082. Cancer Awareness
- 1081.Holland Costume
- 1080. Future Tony
- 1079. Replacement Uniform
- 1078. Battle for the Shield
- 1077. Underutilized
- 1076. Citizen Wade
- 1075. Alternate Costume
- 1074. Bully for You
- 1073. pPhone
- 1072. Limited Release
- 1071. Room Without a Roof
- 1070. New Challenger Approaches!
- 1069. Carter
- 1068. Laika
- 1067. Setting the Trap
- 1066. Ringtone
- 1065. No Spider's Sky
- 1064. Newt
- 1063. Fears
- 1062. The F-ing Joke
- 1061: First!
- 1060. Stroke Shot Pool
- 1059: Martha?
- 1058. Charizard Go
- 1057. Fast Talker
- 1056. To Catch a Terminator
- 1055. Recruiter
- 1054. Close, But No Cigar
- 1053. Slade's Eye Is Missing
- 1052. The Late Wilsonwadewilson
- 1051. The Titles
- 1050. The 78 Percent
- 1049. Blue Umbrella
- 1048. Pokemon IRL
- 1047. The Avenging Bat
- 1046. Resurgence
- 1045. Canada Day
- 1044. Captain's Shield
- 1043. Brexit
- 1042. I'm Gonna Spell it Out For You
- 1041. The Head of the Power Rangers
- 1040. Dairangers
- 1039. Sherlocked
- 1038. Spider-Man the Insomniac
- 1037. Mass Hysteria
- 1036. BFG
- 1035. #FindCaptainAmericaawhat?!?
- 1034. Perspective
- 1033. Delivering a Message
- 1032. Ain't No Rest For the Wicked
- Episode 1031: A New Minion
- 1030. Red and Blue
- 1029. Rogue Cut
- 1028. Fries
- 1027. Trailerbusters
- 1026. Rocket's Request
- 1025. May and the Bat
- 1024. Rice
- 1023. The Astonishing Speed Force
- 1022. Mama Stark
- 1021. Hot May
- 1020. MCU Villains
- 1019. Mega Confusion
- 1018. Toads vs Turtles
- 1017. Rogue One
- 1016. BFF
- 1015. Homecoming
- 1014. Touchy Subject
- 1013. Snap, Crack, Denial
- 1012. Strategy
- 1011. Hulk Pants
- 1010. Bat Gun
- 1009. Lego Takeover
- 1008. Super Jet
- 1007. Spider-Plan
- 1006. Scoring Bad
- 1005. Parker and Wilson '16
- 1004. Stark and Wayne '16
- 1003. Voice Changer
- 1002. Repeat Actor
- 1001. Underoos
- 1000. The Great M
- 999. Spidey Mask
- 998. Dark Helmet
- 997. New Suit
- 996. Fuller House
- 995. Mortal Enemy
- 994. What's My Name?
- 993. The Amazing Speed Force
- 992. Identities
- 991. DMX-Men
- 990. I ♥ You
- 989. Spider-Man B Minor
- 988. Out of the Shadows
- 987. United We Stand
- 986. Mass Extinction
- 985. Hello?
- 984. Business Advice
- 983. The Fantastic Speed Force
- 982. Brood One
- 981. Spider-Man the Leader
- 980. Speed Date
- 979. Queen
- 978. The Almighty Speedforce
- 977. Showdown
- 976. Clash to the Future
- 975. Couples Thing
- 974. Supporting Flash
- 973. Connections
- 972. New Years Plans
- 971. Christmas Trailer
- 970. Very Special
- 969. Christmas Movies
- 968.Christmas Wishes: Dragon Edition
- 967. Shrinkage
- 966. The Spoilers Awaken
- 965. Qiib Dovah
- 964. Jolly Old Saint Wade
- 963. The Embarrassment of Smaug
- 962. Christmas Wishes
- 961. Christmas with May
- 960. Doomed Trailer
- 959. Marty!
- 958. The Fastest Man Alive
- 957. Post-Thanksgiving Thankfulness
- 956. Dead Bodies Everywhere
- 955. Runner's Body
- 954. It Came From the Legoverse 24: Fellowship of the Brick
- 953. It Came From the Legoverse 23: Heading Home
- 952. It Came From the Legoverse 22: The Doctor is in
- 951. It Came From the Legoverse 21: Lego Brawl
- 950. It Came from the Legoverse 20: The Return
- 949. It Came From the Legoverse 19:Stranded
- 948. It Came From the Legoverse 18: Attack From Titan
- 947. It Came From the Legoverse 17: Free Sword
- 946. It Came from the Legoverse 16: Ladies First
- 945. It Came from the Legoverse 15: Monologue
- 944. It Came From the Legoverse 14: Wyldstyle's Guess
- 943. It Came From the Legoverse 13: Disturbance
- 942. It Came From the Legoverse 12: Captured Spider
- 941. It Came From the Legoverse 11: Broken Gate
- 940. It Came From the Legoverse 10: Smeagol
- 939. It Came From the Legoverse 09: Timing!
- 938. It Came From the Legoverse 08: Special Batman
- 937. It Came From the Legoverse 07:Comparing Sides
- 936. It Came From the Legoverse 06: We Don't Need Their Scum
- 935. It Came From the Legoverse 05: Mercs
- 934. It Came From the Legoverse 04: Into the Gate
- 933. It Came From the Legoverse 03: Preparations
- 932. It Came from the Legoverse 02: The Discovery
- 931. It Came from the Legoverse 01: Look at This!
- 930.All-Star Batpool
- 929. Red Shirts
- 928. Exterminlater
- 927. The Other Bat Gordon
- 926. Pro
- 925. Level Maker
- 924. Tropical Freeze
- 923. Splatoon
- 922. Broken Pipe
- 921. The Truth
- 920. The Merc with a Watch
- 919. Swift Attack
- 918. Dalek Joke
- 917. Unmasked
- 916. Phonication
- 915. Chicken
- 914. Bowser's M.O.
- 913. Thought Experiment
- 912. The Chase
- 911. Lego League
- 910. Lego Batman
- 909. Batmobile: Arkham Knight
- 908. Missing Trailer
- 907. Arkham Scarecrow
- 906. Deep Secrets 2
- 905. Broiled
- 904. Story Topper
- 903. Pixels
- 902. Eternal Flame
- 901. Netflix Daredevil
- 900. Night of the Living Sprite Comic
- 899. Suicide Squad Joker
- 898. Wayne Tower
- 897. Game of Somethings
- 896. Grandpa Rogers
- 895. Independence Day
- 894. Lang
- 893. Motivational Speech
- 892. Game of Flags
- 891. Template
- 890. Political Cartoon
- 889. Rematch
- 888. Legendary T. Rex
- 887. The League Strikes Back
- 886. Sword of the Demon
- 885. Jurassic World
- 884. Spin Attack
- 883. Wilson Wars
- 882. Rifleman's Creed
- 881. Laboring the Point
- 880. Semantics
- 879. Dennis
- 878. Jokermobile
- 877. Leader
- 876. Ledgy vs Zilla
- 875. Initiation
- 874. Gratitude Crystals
- 873. Ceasefire
- 872. Poking the Bat
- 871. Photosynthesis
- 870. Pinball Test Subject
- 869. Turned Down
- 868. Depressed Cephalopod
- 867. Iron Scapegoat
- 866. There Will Be Kneel
- 865. Jared is a Punk Joker
- 864. Trailer Season
- 863. Raven's Suggestion
- 862. There Will Be Blood
- 861. Hush
- 860. Normal Tuesday Night
- 859. Actual Cannibal
- 858. Shia Surprise
- 857. The League of Disappointment
- 856. Eject
- 855. The Spider with the Mouth
- 854. April First
- 853. Double Booked
- 852. Punchline
- 851. Ebola
- 850. The Tree, The Bat, and The Plumber
- 849. The Groot Connection
- 848. Super Gift
- 847. Upgrade...sort of.
- 846. Passing the Torch
- 845. Velocity
- 844. Rated M
- 843. Descent Into Madness
- 842. Big Fish
- 841. Subtitles
- 840. The Blue Dress
- 839. Venom Reformed
- 838. Water Hombre
- 837. Cinematic Avenger
- 836. Logical
- 835. Recruiting
- 834. Keeping Up With the Shockwaves 05: Cancelled
- 833. Keeping Up with the Shockwaves 04:
- 832. Keeping Up With The Shockwaves 03: Puppy
- 831. Keeping Up With The Shockwaves 02: Energon
- 830. Keeping Up With The Shockwaves 01: Pilot
- 829. Bromancing the Stone
- 828. Cyborg Meets Spider-Man
- 827. Hulk vs Raccoon
- 826. Cyborg and Batman
- 825. Special Suits
- 824. He is Groot
- 823. Sixty Million
- 822. Overused Running Gag
- 821. Heart Box
- 820. Plumber On Duty
- 819. Master Builder
- 818. Warp Pipe
- 817. Walking Treeoids
- 816. The Bat and the Raccoon
- 815. Disney Infinity
- 814. The Bodyguard
- 813. That Symbiote Jerk
- 812. Deadpool and Rocket
- 811. Comparing Weapons
- 810. Deadpool's Wishlist
- 809. Christmas Shopping Advice
- 808. The First Day of Christmas
- 807. Speech Bubbles
- 806. Mrr Mrr Mrr Mrr!
- 805. Gamersgate
- 804. Suicide Squad Casting
- 803. Immature
- 802. Broadsword
- 801. Dinner Conversations
- 800. Behind the Scenes
- 799. Shield Envy
- 798. Trap Team
- 797. Age of Utrom
- 796. Venom Meets Batman
- 795. Leg Day
- 794. Previously on The Thunderbolts...
- 793. Just a Mask
- 792. Agent Venom's Abilities
- 791. Anniversary
- 790. Spider-Man and Venom
- 789. Symbiote Story
- 788. Phase III
- 787. Agent Venom
- 786. PSA
- 785. DC Cinematic Universe
- 784. Hardy's Apocalypse
- 783. Donatello Does Machines
- 782. Bat-Shaped
- 781. King of Monsters
- 780. Deep Secrets
- 779. Wadey Darko
- 778. Turtles
- 777. That Guy?
- 776. Nick and Fox 07: Epilogue
- 775. Nick and Fox 06: Bay of Turtles
- 774. Nick and Fox 05: Showdown
- 773. Nick and Fox 04: Hotheads
- 772. Nick and Fox 03: Donatello's Plan
- 771. Nick and Fox 02: In Stereo
- 770. Nick and Fox 01: Two Raphs
- 769. Live Action JLA
- 768. Daughter of Deadpool
- 767. Up in the Heavens
- 766. Landfill Games
- 765. Kent and Parker
- 764: Retraction
- 763. The Goblin Returns
- 762. Snowman
- 761. Topless Robot
- 760. Bane vs. Superman?
- 759. ALS Challenge
- 758. Good Bruce Hunting
- 757. Superman's Identity
- 756. House of Wilson
- 755. Elsa
- 754. Incoming 12th
- 753. Ninja Turtles Movie
- 752. Raiders of the Covenant of Primus
- 751. Semi
- 750. Ol' White Eyes
- 749. Leaked Footage
- 748. Clown Car
- 747. Belated Batman Day
- 746. Enemies
- 745. Duran Duran
- 744. Danger Zone
- 743. Disconnected
- 742. Spell Book
- 741. Raven's Read Poster
- 740. Destiny
- 739. Wilder
- 738. Bee vs. Bee
- 737. Mute Bee
- 736. Rise of the Dark MacGuffin
- 735. Impostor
- 734. Keeping Up with Wade
- 733. Chum
- 732. It Ain't Easy Being Green
- 731. Petirrojo
- 730. Brothers...Kind of
- 729. Rivals
- 728. Scarlet and Rogue
- 727. The Wrong Spider
- 726. Delayed Knight
- 725. Mrs. Pool
- 724. One Bad Tweet
- 723. Analytical Reasoning
- 722. Electric Nachos
- 721. The Wise Spider's Fear
- 720. Days of Lizards Past
- 719. Fatzilla
- 718. Mecha King Ghidorah Meets Kiryu
- 717. Godzilla vs. Mr. White
- 716. Batfleck's Batsuit
- 715. Typo
- 714. Old vs. New
- 713. More Spider-Men
- 712. The [Adjective] Spider-Man
- 711. Dr. Dillon
- 710. Wolverine vs. Scarlet Spider
- 709. The Sinister League 25: Chekhov's Sword
- 708. The Sinister League 24: The Final Countdown
- 707. The Sinister league 23: The Other Devices
- 706. The Sinister League 22: Tank Missile
- 705. The Sinister League 21: Mental Image
- 704. The Sinister League 20: The Raven and the Bat
- 703. The Sinister League 19: Interrogation
- 702. The Sinister League 18: Contingency Plan
- 701. The Sinister League 17: Superman vs. Zod
- 700. The Sinister League 16: Meanwhile in Metropolis...
- 699. The Sinister League 15: Contacting Stark
- 698. The Sinister League 14: Silver Reptile Down
- 697. The Sinister League 13: Shoulder Cannons
- 696. The Sinister League 12: The Joker's New Toy
- 695. The Sinister League 11: Enhanced Goblin
- 694. The Sinister League 10: Unibeam
- 693. The Sinister League 09: No Backup
- 692. The Sinister League 08: Electro and The Goblin
- 691. The Sinister League 07: Stark to the Rescue
- 690. The Sinister League 06: Enter The Goblin
- 689. The Sinister League 05: Briefing
- 688. The Sinister League 04: Enticing The Joker
- 687. The Sinister League 03: Recruiting Osborn
- 686. The Sinister League 02: The Plan
- 685. The Sinister League 01: Phantom Zone
- 684. The Parker Curse
- 683. Let Them Eat Cake
- 682. Spider-Man's Plea
- 681. "Evil" Spider-Man
- 680. The Other Scarlet Spider
- 679. Deadpool Meets Scarlet Spider
- 678. Iron Beetle
- 677. Superior?
- 676. Beast Boy
- 675. Summons
- 674. Large Cat
- 673. Eisenberg and Irons
- 672. Two-Cheeks
- 671. It's Magic!
- 670. God Mode
- 669. Bringing "Amazing" Back
- 668. Birds of a Feather
- 667. Spooky Scary
- 666. The Number of the Beast
- 665. Requiescat in Pace
- 664. An Unearthly Child
- 663. Deadpool Sans Pounches
- 662. Li'l Pool
- 661. Ivy's Leaves
- 660. Love and Peace
- 659. New Years Eve
- 658. Left Out
- 657. 12 Updates of Christmas 12: Dragons
- 656. 12 Updates of Christmas 11: Gojira
- 655. 12 Updates of Christmas 10: Bats
- 654: 12 Updates of Christmas 09: Supervillains
- 653. 12 Updates of Christmas 08: Skylanders Swap Force
- 652. 12 Updates of Christmas 07: Mandalorians
- 651. 12 Updates of Christmas 06: Power Rangers
- 650. 12 Updates of Christmas 05: Companions
- 649. 12 Updates of Christmas 04: Ninja Turtles
- 648. 12 Updates of Christmas 03: Time Lords
- 647. 12 Updates of Christmas 2: Kryptonians
- 646. 12 Updates of Christmas: Fourth Wall
- 645. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 14: Escape
- 644. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 13: Sonic'd
- 643. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 12: The Escape of the Tenth Doctor
- 642. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 11: Paradox Room
- 641. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 10: It's a TRAP!
- 640. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 09: The Doctor By Any Other Face
- 639. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 08: Enter the 9th
- 638. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 07: Rose
- 637. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 06: Rory Williams
- 636. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 05: Change Faces!
- 635. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 04: 10 meets 11
- 634. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 03: Regeneration
- 633. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 02: The Second TARDIS
- 632. 50th Anniversary Doctor Who Special 01: The Arrival of the 11th Doctor
- 631. Christmas in October
- 630. Merry Batmas
- 629. Origins
- 628. Spoiler Alert
- 627. Godzilla War Stories
- 626. Rogue and Raven
- 625. Under the Purple Hood
- 624. The Master
- 623. Doctor's Companion
- 622. Remote
- 621. Meditation
- 620. Arkham Costume
- 619. The Raven and The Bat
- 618. The Raven (Abridged)
- 617. Coulson
- 616. Breaking Fast
- 615. Take It Off!
- 614. Battle of the Atom
- 613. The Biebster
- 612. Catered Food
- 611. Dragonpool
- 610. To Catch a Dent
- 609. AoTT
- 608. Actor Rumors
- 607. Gofram
- 606. Age of Ultron
- 605. Mini-Glider
- 604. Iron Man Meets Superman
- 603. Affleckman
- 602. Drunk Duck is Still Down
- 601. Wash
- 600. Broken Batsignal
- 599. Censored
- 598. So Long And Thanks For All The Heroics
- 597. Assimilation
- 596. Batman Drops the Ball
- 595. The 12th Doctor Revealed
- 594. New Face
- 593. Gotham's Savior
- 592. Oldman
- 591. The Wolverine
- 590. Kyle's Storm
- 589. Team-Up Movie
- 588. The Caped Crusader
- 587. The Mask of Batman
- 586. Upgrade
- 585. The House of El
- 584. Accept No Imitation
- 583. SLADE!
- 582. Incognito
- 581. Story Arcs
- 580. Cyber Chat
- 579. Fist Bump
- 578. Trophy Unlocked: Confusion
- 577. Shameless Self Promotion
- 576. Kryptonians Superior
- 575. Potato
- 574. Father's Day
- 573. Superior
- 572. Joker's Plan
- 571. Jokes on You
- 570. Confusion of the Daleks
- 569. Long Fall Boots
- 568. Grandpa Dalek
- 567. Not So Big
- 566. Giants
- 565. Death of a Clown
- 564. Riddle Me This, Doctor
- 563. Adopt-A-Portal
- 562. Stark Trek
- 561. Love³
- 560. Plush
- 559. Threequel
- 558. Dangerous Mute Lunatic
- 557. Chell Meets Deadpool
- 556. Large Obstacles
- 555. Are You Still There?
- 554. DSLR
- 553. League of WHAT?!?
- 552. Hey! Listen!
- 551. Deathstroke Origins
- 550. Stray Thought
- 549. Feeling Blue
- 548. Charms
- 547. Big Red Eye
- 546. Convoy
- 545. Arkham Origins
- 544. Headlights
- 543. Who?
- 542. The Three Doctors
- 541. Easter Surprise
- 540. Spartans
- 539. Man of Steel
- 538: Contacts
- 537. Leary
- 536. Shadowpool
- 535. Breaking Deadpool
- 534. Bazinga
- 533. Ra's Al Ghul's Destiny
- 532. Foxx
- 531. Deadpool Con Carne
- 530. I Want Your Skull
- 529. The League
- 528. The Comic is Ajar
- 527. The Eyes Have It
- 526. Oscar Tweet
- 525. Mr. Wayne
- 523. Hangover
- 522. Rose
- 521. Ashes to Ashes
- 520. Fighting is Magic
- 519. Hard Times
- 518. President's Day
- 517. T'isn't The Season
- 516. Lens Flare: The Next Generation
- 515. O'Hirn
- 514. New Banner
- 513. Ampersand
- 512. Mini Doctor
- 511. Great Scott!
- 510. Go Bleep Yourself
- 509. Lego Deadpool
- 508. Glitchin' Out
- 507. Plastic Sword
- 506. Regeneration
- 505. Shredder vs. Batman
- 504. Stuck
- 503. The Bat Something
- 502. Zod's Demands
- 501. Superior Spider-Man
- 500. Technodrome...The Final Shell Shock
- 499. A Failure to End
- 498. Doomsday
- 497. Ask Deadpool #2
- 496. Taken
- 495. Batman's Christmas Wish
- 494. Mutant Awareness Month
- 493. Wibbly Wobbly
- 492. Batman's Power
- 491. Son of Godzilla
- 490. Glasses
- 489. Clone Lake
- 488. Earth Dragon
- 487. Tutorial
- 486. Parade
- 485. Joker's Choice
- 484. Master Chief's Success
- 483. CMI
- 482. I Am (Not) Cyberman!
- 481. Bane Impression
- 480. The Doctor vs. Edward Cullen
- 479. Dalek Party
- 478. Just Friends
- 477. Disney's Star Wars
- 476. Halloween '12: Scare-Off
- 475. Organic Web
- 474. Stargate
- 473. Hybrid
- 472. Plunger
- 471. Sans Armor Reprised
- 470. Masked Man
- 469. Cap and Bane
- 468. Rogue and Wolverine
- 467. Deadpool's Plan
- 466. Jelly Babies
- 465. Does Whatever A Spider-Man Can
- 464. Rogue's Powers
- 463. The League Strikes Back
- 462. The Tenth Doctor
- 461. Daleks in Gotham
- 460. Bane's Mask
- 459. EMBRACE!
- 458. First Words
- 457. Nine and Ten
- 456. The Boy Wonder Rises
- 455. Too Many References
- 454. Catwoman's Reboot
- 453. Bane's Bane
- 452. Femme Fatale 23: Parting of Ways
- 451. Femme Fatale 22: Support
- 450. Femme Fatale 21: Ice Grenade
- 449. Femme Fatale 20: Spider vs. Plant
- 448. Femme Fatale 19: Batgirl vs. Harley Quinn
- 447. Femme Fatale 18: Batgirl to the Rescue
- 446. Femme Fatale 17: Chlorofiend
- 445. Femme Fatale 16: Cat and Spider
- 444. Femme Fatale 15: Webbed to the Floor
- 443. Femme Fatale 14: Guns N Roses
- 442. Femme Fatale 13: Detective Mode
- 441. Femme Fatale 12: Evidence
- 440. Femme Fatale 11: Police Report
- 439. Femme Fatale 10: Chemical X
- 438. Femme Fatale 09: Enter Batgirl
- 437. Femme Fatale 08: Motive
- 436. Femme Fatale 07: Business Proposal
- 435. Femme Fatale 06: Black Cat
- 434. Femme Fatale 05: The Spider This City Needs
- 433. Femme Fatale 04: Ivy Strikes Back
- 432. Femme Fatale 03: Harley vs. Spidey
- 431. Femme Fatale 02: Ivy
- 430. Femme Fatale 01: Free Harley
- 429. I Am Iron Man
- 428. Adventureland
- 427. Sans Armor
- 426. An Important Message From a Dalek
- 425. Mr. Sandman
- 424. Unnecessary Movie Promotion
- 423. Mutant Rights
- 422. Blue Suit
- 421. Costume Concerns
- 420. High
- 419. Money Fight
- 418. Magic Word
- 417. Dead Beetle
- 416. 2 Girls 1 Cup
- 415. Wilson Violence Prize
- 414. Those Little Yellow Boxes
- 413. Poozer
- 412. Enlarged Space Core
- 411. Mini-Daleks
- 410. XBox vs. PS3
- 409. Surprise Party
- 408. Darkest Knight
- 407. The Oath
- 406. Costume Construct
- 405. Ashes
- 404. Comic Not Found
- 403. The Dark Knight Rises vs. The Avengers
- 402. The New Sinister Six 24: The Spy Who Stabbed Me
- 401. The New Sinister Six 23: Secret Weapon
- 400. The New Sinister Six 22: Interrogation
- 399. The New Sinister Six 21: Kryptonite
- 398. The New Sinister Six 20: Distraction
- 397. The New Sinister Six 19: And Then There Were Two
- 396. The New Sinister Six 18: Saving the Informant
- 395. The New Sinister Six 17: The Informant
- 394. The New Sinister Six 16: Bad Joke
- 393. The New Sinister Six 15: Anti-Venom to the Rescue
- 392. The New Sinister Six 14: Superman vs. Zod
- 391. The New Sinister Six 13: Wolverine vs. Deathstroke
- 390. The New Sinister Six 12: Green Lantern vs. Deadpool
- 389. The New Sinister Six 11: Flower Power
- 388. The New Sinister Six 10: Snagged
- 387. The New Sinister Six 09: The Sinister Six vs. The Superhero Six
- 386. The New Sinister Six 08: Arcade
- 385. Anti-Venom vs. Carnage
- 384. The New Sinister Six 06: Assembled
- 383. The New Sinister Six 05: Upgrades
- 382. The New Sinister Six 04: The Plan
- 381. The New Sinister Six 03: The Sixth Member
- 380. The New Sinister Six 02: Choosing Sides
- 379. The New Sinister Six 01: Doc Ock's Plans
- 378. USS Nyan Cat
- 377. When Eve met Wheatley
- 376. Ultimately Amazing
- 375. Equestria Strikes Back
- 374. Do Not Want
- 373. Guilty Spark
- 372. Wheatley's Diagnosis
- 371. Ice Hole
- 370. Gargoyle
- 369. Sidekicks! Why did it have to be sidekicks?!?
- 368. Harvey's Nickname
- 367. The Fourth Wall Strikes Back
- 366. Mini 08: Back to Normal
- 365. Mini 07: Changing Back
- 364. Mini 06: Deadpool and Deadpool
- 363. Mini 05: Unmasked
- 362. Mini 04: Kre-O
- 361. Mini 03: Exterminate
- 360. Mini 02: Not Legos
- 359. Mini 01: The More Things Change...
- 358. Phosphorous Oxygen Nitrogen Yttrium
- 357. Hypothetical Question
- 356. Pinkie Pie and the Brain
- 355. Cherrychanga
- 354. Anti-S.O.P.A.
- 353. Wall Crawling
- 352. Imperial
- 351. Dragon Shout
- 350. Rath vs. Deadpool
- 349. Another Stab Wound
- 348. The Hunt for Deadpool
- 347. Daleky and the Wade
- 346. Deadpool's Last Attempt
- 345. Fun with a Healing Factor
- 344. Wink
- 343. Ask Deadpool
- 342. Home for the Holidays
- 341. Karate Chop Action
- 340. The Pool with a Hex
- 339. Breaking Twilight
- 338. R2 Dalek
- 337. Dalek vs. TARDIS
- 336. Batpool
- 335. Zedd vs. Zod
- 334. Chimmychangas
- 333. My Little Dalek
- 332. Kick-Ass
- 331. Doctor Who is on First
- 330. Breaking Dawn
- 329. Thanksgiving '11: Thankful
- 328. Ben's Audition
- 327. Confessions of a Merc
- 326. The Other Red Ranger
- 325. Keaton
- 324. Concession Speech
- 323. Insults
- 322. Like a Merc
- 321. Ben and Rex
- 320. Generator Rex
- 319. Halloween '11
- 318. Strong
- 317. Scheduling Error
- 316. Beyond Arkham City
- 315. The Pool and The Penguin
- 314. Arkham City
- 313. Russian Optimus
- 312. My Little Dragon
- 311. Curtains
- 310. Batman: The Animated Series
- 309. Mini Dalek
- 308. Deadpool and The Dalek
- 307. G3
- 306. Nyan Catwoman
- 305. Nyan
- 304. Soap Opera
- 303. The Doctor
- 302. TWSS
- 301. Discord
- 300. Batmissile
- 298. In Remembrance
- 297. My Little Alien
- 296. Larger Than Life
- 295. Companion Car
- 294. A Dance with the Devil
- 293. Introducing Ben Tennyson
- 292. Reset Punch
- 291. Rocket Edition
- 290. Character Alignment
- 289. Of Iguanas and Horses
- 288. Declaration to Planet Houston
- 287. Zill...a
- 286. Steel
- 285. Rubbery Lips
- 284. Deadpool and Friends
- 283. Little Knight
- 282. Maybe
- 281. Kitty Love
- 280. Crashed
- 279. Pinkie Pie
- 278. Rainbow Dash
- 277. Bob vs. Captain America
- 276. Adventure!
- 275. Laptop
- 274. The Fire Rises
- 273. Duck Season
- 272. DD Ultimatum
- 271. Shockwave
- 270. Pushover
- 269. Giant Metal Cat
- 268. Link to the Kiryu
- 267. Lightning McQueen
- 266. Dark of the Reviews
- 265. Cartman
- 264. The Trailer Conundrum
- 263. Bumblebee
- 262. Tom Kenny
- 261. Bad Reviews
- 260. Illegal
- 259. Japanese
- 258. Solid Space
- 257. Teaser Trailer
- 256. Rebooted Comics
- 255. Companion Cube
- 254. Pow!
- 253. Space Cops
- 252. Hit Me!
- 251. Q
- 250. Bane Promo Picture
- 249. Criteria
- 248. FF
- 247. Thought Box
- 246. Kirk Maneuver
- 245. Number One
- 244. Stealers Wheel
- 243. Stardate
- 242. A Klingon Aletercation
- 241. Sandwich Joke
- 240. Professor Picard
- 239. Pratfall
- 238. Peel
- 237. Shattered Asylum
- 236. Fear Gas
- 235. The Hit
- 234. Joker's Deal
- 233. Smooch
- 232. Unwanted Surprise
- 231. Karate Kick Action
- 230. Monologue
- 229. Hentai
- 228. Censorship
- 227. Hot Clown
- 226. Power Up
- 225. It's Tatopoulos!
- 224. Dress to Impress
- 223. Rodan
- 222. Cheer up, Wadey!
- 221. Hindsight
- 220. Batman Inc.
- 219. Armor Upgrade
- 218. Symbiote Flash
- 217. Deadpool vs. Predator
- 216. Catching Up
- 215. Dr. Phil
- 214. Ode to Mistah Jay
- 213. M.O.
- 212. NnnnnnDROP!!!
- 211. Protégé
- 210. Shyness
- 209. Untitled Spider-Man Comic
- 208. V-Day
- 207. Proto Batsuit
- 206. Penguin's Rant
- 205. The Fourth Wall
- 204. Mercenaries
- 203. Wilson
- 202. Dr. Strange
- 201. Back in Plastic
- 200. Double Date
- 199. Hardy
- 198. Catwoman's Announcement
- 197. Spill
- 196. Multiplicity
- 195. New Costume
- 194. White Power...Ranger
- 193. Black Widow
- 192. Caffeine Junkie
- 191. Defiant Deadpool
- 190. Phantom Zone Escapee
- 189. Newpool
- 188. Turn Off the Musical
- 187. Chill
- 186. The Gift of Harley
- 185. Gift Exchange
- 184. The Gift of Deadpool
- 183. Carnage
- 182. Twitlight
- 181. X-Man Costume
- 180. Kryptonite Knuckles
- 179. Something More Manly
- 178. Buffy 19: Spider Senses
- 177. Buffy 18: Jealousy
- 176. Buffy 17: Secrets Revealed
- 175. Buffy 16: Identity Slip
- 174. Black Friday
- 173. Thanksgiving '10 02: Still Uninvited
- 172. Thanksgiving '10 01: Uninvited
- 171. Buffy 15: Advice
- 170. Buffy 14: Damsel in Distress
- 169. Buffy 13: That's What I Like about You
- 168. Buffy 12: Responsibility
- 167. Buffy 11: Dress Code
- 166. Buffy 10: Awkward Moment
- 165. Buffy 09: Pick up Line
- 164. Drunk Duck
- 163. The Dark Knight Rises
- 162. Halloween '10: Costume Galllery
- 161. Buffy 08: Ashes
- 160. Buffy 07: Staking
- 159. Buffy 06: Holy Water
- 158. Buffy 05: Proposed Staking
- 157. Buffy 04: Soul
- 156. Buffy 03: Faux
- 155. Buffy 02: No Relation
- 154. Buffy 01: Slayers
- 153. Luthor
- 152. Snyder
- 151. Combiners
- 150. Double Rainbow Mothra
- 149. Arms
- 148. The Shocker
- 147. Pick Up Line
- 146. New Armor
- 145. Arrr!
- 144. Kiryu
- 143. The Crusher Manuever
- 142. Gay Fish
- 141. IG-88
- 140. Triceratops
- 139. Pop Quiz
- 138. Broken Down
- 137. Wicked
- 136. Movie Villain Candidate
- 135. Deformed
- 134. Wills
- 133. Schmutz
- 132. My Godzilla Collection
- 131. Bubblegum
- 130. Actor Swap
- 129. Reynolds vs. Reynolds
- 128. Wrong Moniker
- 127. Back Scratcher
- 126. Meltdown
- 125. Tokusatsu
- 124. Green Armor
- 123. Color Coordination
- 122. Gigan
- 121. Dragonzord
- 120. Shrunken
- 119. Godzilla vs. The Power Rangers
- 118. Combination
- 117. Fight the System
- 116. Henchman-napped
- 115. THIS IS (not) SPARTA!
- 114. Black Arachnia
- 113. Mistress Chief
- 112. The Pompatus of Love
- 111. The Spartan 04: Disembodied Voice
- 110. The Spartan 03: Flood vs. Elite
- 109. The Spartan 02: Spawn Camp
- 108. The Spartan 01: Overshield
- 107. McFly
- 106. Armorist
- 105. Dinner Invitation
- 104. Rorschach's journal
- 103. Sticks and Stones
- 102. What about Bob?
- 101. Buttered Cat Paradox
- 100. The 100th Pegwarmers Special
- 99. Merchandise
- 98. Mayday 06: Induction
- 97. Mayday 05: May Parker
- 96. Mayday 04: Underage
- 95. Mayday 03: Snapped
- 94. Guest Comic by Deathbeamz
- 93. Mayday 02: Vortex
- 92. Mayday 01: Arrival
- 91. Traffic
- 90. Turtle Power
- 89. Read 2
- 88. Batgirl
- 87. Doppleganger 09: Cash
- 86. Doppleganger 08: Won't Get Fooled Again
- 85. Doppleganger 07: Hallucination
- 84. Doppleganger 06: Triple Vision
- 83. Dopplegangers 05: Osborn's Evil Plan
- 82. Dopplegangers 04: Wrongfully Accused
- 81. Dopplegangers 03: Symbiote
- 80. Dopplegangers 02: We are Venom
- 79. Dopplegangers 01: Too Many Spiders!
- 78. Whedon
- 77. Past and Present
- 76. Blue Beetle
- 75. Hellboy
- 74. Comparing Scars
- 73. READ
- 72. KHAN!
- 71. Bounty Hunter
- 70. Evil Laugh
- 69. Scarecrow
- 68. Pumpkin Bomb
- 67. Bale
- 66. Sinister Six 14: Pay Out
- 65. Sinister Six 13: The Arrival
- 64. Sinister Six 12: Minor Victories
- 63. Sinister Six 11: The Tides have Turned!
- 62. Sinister Six 10: The Superhero Six vs. The Sinister Six
- 61. Sinister Six 09: The Sixth Man
- 60. Sinister Six 08: Bad Cop/Scary Cop
- 59. Sinister Six 07: Patrol
- 58. Sinister Six 06: Mr. Mxzyzptlk
- 57. Sinister Six 05: Bullseye
- 56. Sinister Six 04: Shocker
- 55. Sinister Six 03: Recruitment
- 54. Sinister Six 02: Assemble
- 53. Sinister Six 01: Recruitment
- 52. Cough Drop
- 51. Valentine's Day 03: Harley and Mistah J
- 50. Valentine's Day 02: Little Black Book
- 49. Valentine's Day 01: Unrequited
- 48. Morning Coffee
- 47. Flip of the Coin
- 46. I'm Batman
- 45. Reboot
- 44. Megatron
- 43. Riddle Me This
- 42. iRON MAN
- 41. Mysterious Skull
- 40. Raider
- 39. Guest Appearance
- 38. Inner Monologues
- 37. The Next Day
- 36. Warners
- 35. Ride the Nuke
- 34. New Mech
- 33. A Christmas Parody 12: Epilogue
- 32. A Christmas Parody 11: Christmas Morning
- 31. A Christmas Parody 10: Maximal
- 30. A Christmas Parody 09: Iron Spider-Man
- 29. A Christmas Parody 08: Ghost of Christmas Beyond
- 28. A Christmas Parody 07: Revelations
- 27. A Christmas Parody 06: Christmas present
- 26. A Christmas Parody 05: Familiar Apparitions
- 25. A Christmas Parody 04: Christmas Past
- 24. A Christmas Parody 03: Ghosting
- 23. A Christmas Parody 02: Exposition Time
- 22. A Christmas Parody 01: Ghost of Deadpool
- 21. Backup
- 20. Mechagodzilla
- 19. Gojira
- 18. Slumdog Mutantaire
- 17. Nemesis
- 16. Prowl
- 15. Disney
- 14. Support Group 05: Upcoming Movies
- 13. Support Group 04: Venom's Complaint
- 12. Support Group 03: Alan Cummings
- 11. Support Group 02: Wolverine's Movie
- 10. Support Group 01: Clooney
- 9. Anti-Venom
- 8. Brand New Day
- 7. Unmade Crossover
- 6. Ryan
- 5. Sharpshooter
- 4. I'm Batman
- 3. Outnumbered
- 2. Marvel vs. DC
- 1. Scales
Author notes
I definitely wanted to wrap this up with an amicable meeting of the two leaders since this is the end of Pegwarmers. It's fine for Civil War to end in disarray…that's the point of it. My intention was just to have a fun storyarc between the two teams.
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