Peppermint Saga
Intro Card

Author notes

Intro Card


Ok. So, when I have something to say, but no comic to post, I usually do something like this. This isn't filler, though. This is the real deal. Think of this like… the "Intermission" sign, or better yet, the "Interlude" sign on old films and stage productions. I always found that quaint. Here's the dope:

Issue 1, "The Sword of Truth" begins on Wednesday, the 24th of October with the Issue cover. Think of it like an actual comic book, where each "chapter" or rather "episode" has it's own serialized cover. But, I am posting this so everyone who has favorited me will know to come looking for real then. I'm kinda excited about that.

Secondly: I confess. I am Macia Paladin, a.k.a. Michael C. Prokop, creator of Starship Moonhawk. "Mace Paladino" is not that big a stretch all of a sudden, is it. ;) Why suddenly come out and say it? I think it has largely to do with the notion that I am over myself. Although, from the get-go, the intent was simple "branding", y'know, to keep my properties separated. But as I kept thinking about it, and as I began to work on submissions to get a certain OTHER position in the smut, filth and fetish side of the webcomics "industry", I decided that THIS is more my online identity than "Macia Paladin", who is really just a character in my long-running (and slowly updating) Starship Moonhawk series. It was a good run, Macia. We'll miss you at the Moonhawk Studios company picnic. Y'know… the one where I talk to myself for three hours. ;P

So anyway, be here this coming week to see my humorous cover, and then the following week, the story begins!

*giddy with glee*



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