Chapter 0!? Why you ask, because before we finally get to the juicy part of the story(yes, I was hungry as I wrote this) we will go back hundreds of years and presence the event that lead to the birth of the antagonist: Dagda. It´s also part 1 because throughout the story there will be special chapters like this one that will focus entirely on the past of a character and their titles of course will be Memorias.
Also feel free to notice I have added both a characters and map section on the top left of the page. The layout was possible thanks to the great help of mishi hime.
Now an explanation to the Spanish readers: He tenido que retrasar por un mes la publicación de la versión en castellano porque he estado muy ocupado(es más sólo tengo una semana de material, es decir que si no me pongo las baterÃas la próxima semana podrÃa ser la última). Gracias por su comprensión y espero mientras me apoyen aqui.
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