Photos from Japan


Author notes



\(^O^)/ Yatta! day 2 of being back!!!!

This is a Japanese cemetery (O_O)
In most cemeteries in the Kanto region has no bodies in them, just head stones and place markers.
Other spots of Japan do have bodies in the cemeteries…

Replies to yesterday's comments

Usedbooks Japan has many shocking toys… I'm glad to be back
LanceDanger (^O^)
Anubis (OO)
spiritmonkey ummmmm….. Thanks
Midge LOL!!!!
legomegacy (-u^) No comment…..
Crocty (O_O)
antcomics He sure seems to be!
Bocaj \(^O^)/ Yay!
Peipei Good or bad…. this site rocks!!!

Thank you all (even the ones that don't comment) for coming by!!!!

See you tomorrow!



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