Photos from Japan

Old meets New

Author notes

Old meets New


(^U^) Thought most of you would get a kick out of this…
This is in Ome, Tokyo. The small building is 200 - 300 yeas old, the apartment building beside it is less than 10-15. I think it shows some of the diversities of Tokyo!

Replies to yesterday's picture
Masq Pretty small, but I've seen the same cars in the states and England..
usedbooks One of the cars in a driveway (at the break in the wall after the yellow pole) is a Land cruiser!!
Anubis should be… RC's get better gas millage!
Spiritmonkey Yes .. (^O^) And good eye!!! that is the graveyard in the back!
draxenn First come, first…. way?!?!?
Peipei ('_')
Midge seen um' smaller too… just did not snap a shot, but I will next time!!
Chromium Dreams Have not seen any gas skateboards here…. yet.
legomagacy space is a commodity!!!
Bocaj Thanks for stopping by!!

Thanks for coming by… hope to see all tomorrow!


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