Photos from Japan


Author notes



(^U^) Thought I would post an artsy fartsy picture today… fire hoses hung out to dry at a local fire station.

From time to time I will post some artsy pictures… just to see how I can do!!

Replies to yesterday's comments

usedbooks yes it does… but others are just old and run-down!
Anubis the"main street" in Ome is like a historical district, all the old buildings are kept up, and a beautiful sight!
Masq Thanks for the compliment!
draxenn the newer one was designed for the very small space it occupies…
patricdevine If you would like a better picture to draw… just ask!
spiritmonkey (OO)….. kilometers, here in Japan we use the metric system.
Peipei, Midge, Bocaj, & crocty (^u^) Thanks
legomegacy old with new is always neat!!!

Thanks for coming by!
Hope you all have a great Thursday!!



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