Photos from Japan


Author notes



What happened to Monday?!?!?! sorry all… I thought I up loaded both Raw Fish, and Photos from Japan… so here is yesterdays, today!!

This is a typical Japanese, public post box. Every country has their own standard; America has the blue upside-down "U's", England has their red rockets… Japan has big orange boxes.

Any how… have a good Tuesday!!

Thanks Anubis, Masq, Peipei, spiritmonkey, DAJB, usedbooks, legomegacy, Bacaj, Chromium Dreams, & Midge for coming by and leaving a comment!!!
And for the rest…. all you have to do is sign up, and leave a comment, or just rate…

Because of my Monday miss… the next up dates will be today through Saturday. Next week it'll be back to normal!

*** because I'm spending all free time on my anniversary thingie, I might not have time to read and comment on any comics for the next few weeks… but, if I have time, rest assured, I will!!!


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