Photos from Japan


Author notes



(OO) This picture was shop on one of the new Chuo line trains… so, is the SOS sign pointing to the Sony sign?!?!??

I did it again…. forgot about updating… but this time, I have time to correct it with out missing the whole (24 hr) day!!!

usedbooks (^U^) Let me notice for you…
legomegacy (^O^)
Masq (OO) and a lot dirty….
patricdevine that symbol is for "Post"
Anubis (OO) This was not the first time you made that remark… maybe all new Aussie things are old Jp things…
Peipei ('o')
spiritmonkey (OO) I thought as much!?!?!?
mattchee (^_0) Thanks for coming by… hope to see more of you! (not that way!!!!!!)
Midge Yes but bigger…
Bocaj (OUO)
Chromium Dreams I was that way too about 12 years ago… now I would like to see some different colors as well!!!

Thanks for coming by all!!!!
I will try my best to have a new picture uploaded on time tomorrow!!!



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