Photos from Japan


Author notes



* the beer in this picture has an offset hole… the maker sayes it makes the foam more foamy and creamy when you pour it into a mug… it just drips out of the side of your mouth when you don't use a mug…
2 days ago comment replies

usedbooks as he does me as well…
Anubis all over!!!! just don't look to hard!!!
spiritmonkey depends on the area… almost every city everyplace has a local hero… this just happens to be Ome's local hero!!
C D actually it is my fat stomach… but I see it now!!
Peipei (^U^)
Midge I think so too…
mattchee (^U^)
Bocaj (*O*)
Legomegacy (^U^)
Yesterday's comment replies
usedbooks (*_*) Is it?!?!? but I still won't try it!
Anubis (^_-) like you!!!
spiritmonkey (OO) special flavor!!!
draxenn I hope not!!
patricdevine (OO) If you say so!!
Peipei (OO) I have no idea…. but my mind can wander!!!
C D It sayes "supeshyaru sausu" so it is the same in Japanese and English…
Bocaj (^U^)
Midge (OO) your guess might be better than mine!!!
mattchee (^U^)
BYCWArchAngel welcome… nice to see you here!!!… but did McDonald's ever bottle it?!?!?
legomegacy (^U^)


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