Photos from Japan

Lunch box

Author notes

Lunch box


Find it hard to get kids to eat a healthy home cooked lunch…
This is what some Japanese mothers do to get their kids to eat the whole lunch….
Looks like it would take too long to do this, that is probably why I went to school with a brown paper sack lunch of PBJ ans a small bag of chips, or a Lil'Debbie snack! and I ate it all!!

Repplies to Tuesday's comments

Vickie (^_^) Thanks
Spiritmonkey I think so too!!!
matt Don't we all do that… I think the same over at Iba's comic too!!
Masq Thanks
legomegacy (OO) but my nose and ears are…. Thanks LOL!!
DAJB (OO) wish you could have warned me a couple of months ago… the blob ate my hair!
Insizwa I love my bowling shirts!!! My wife can't stand them!!! So I tell her that she can't wear them!
Bocaj I wont tell if you don't!!

Repplies to Wednesday's comments
Anubis I think this was a political rally… which is strange, because Japanese people can only vote for people on 3 levels.. area, city, and prefecture… everything higher and the government decides.
Vickie I miss rallies (meaningful ones)
Masq I have never seen a strike here in Japan… I have seen a couple of war rallies, and anti Military rallies, but never a strike… sometimes it is great to be here in Japan!
Matt I live in the western part of Tokyo prefecture… so it seems kind of bear in comparison to the central Tokyo.
spiritmonkey (^U^)
Bocaj (^O^)
Insizwa Yes yes yes!!

Thank you one and all for dropping by!
Have a great weekend, and I will have a new picture up on Monday!!


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