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MrFistSalad onwait your dog thats right i forgot what are we doing here daniel
finding my dog thats the first thing we need to do
his name is dgodg i didnt name him that he did its stupid right
its like a mash up of dog god and honestly thats just what i call him i call him dog god but occasionally he will get uppity and say ohh thats not my name daniel and ill tell him to shut up because he was fucking patches before we became gods
and we gotta find him
in fact that is my charge i was supposed to find him before summoning the fridgeman or his roommate but hes super lost and i thought i could use the help
that makes sense
it is the natural order of things and it is his nature to flee from me i understand that just as it is my nature to find him
hes at my friends house
little fucker that little fucker hes not even running i bet hes just found some human to hang on to and chill with right
oh uh kind of
piece of fuckin shit the prophesy has just been waiting and im the only one getting any fuckin work done come on we gotta go grab him
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