News Ahahaha… I did an interview for the GigcastAvailable NOW! I had been awake for almost 24 hours and so I wasn’t at my best, but JT did a masterful job at editing things into shape!
Page description: Guess where that title comes from? Finally we see something other than the reception room! After properly subduing that troublesome woman, Cc simply blows the door open with an explosive charge which sends a couple of men flying and fills the room with smoke and confusion. She makes her kill in the dark and then leaves the way she came.
Commentary: I took my time on this one. It was a really simple page (this stuff is a lot simpler than it looks, don’t be fooled), but I didn’t feel like rushing it. Sometimes it’s better just to take your time over things.
Does Pinky look like me? I’m WAY better looking than her! :P Put up your self pics in the DD forums here!
Collaborate with me!!!: This is an open invitation to artists and writers to collaborate with me on Pink Skin, even if I’m just colouring your linework that’s cool. Bobby Sutton (Spaz) has contributed a whole mass which will go up shortly, and Tanya Kuntz (Aurora Moon), has given me a script which I’ll be illustrating.
I’ll put up my proper e-mail address too so you can contact me with stuff:
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