Page description: While Pinky broods on her sore hand, her disdain for her fellow crew members increases, especially since they carried on playing regardless of her pain as if nothing had happened! Her resentment increases until she is moved to take direct action; she grabs their cards and hurls them at Collin the driver, who is then woken from a light doze. This causes Collin to wake up momentarily and jerk one of the steering levers. The tank shifts course slightly but sharply, swinging everyone about and making Pinky whack her head painfully on some hard fittings. Tough luck Pinky!
Commentary: Oh man, I'm going to cut back on quality now. Pinky TA shouldn't be such hard work to make… It's been a great project to work on, it's done a lot for me creatively, but it's not done much else for me: it's not really going anywhere or doing anything for me to justify what goes into it. I've though about only doing a few more pages and then finishing up with the written form of the current short story for those who're interested, but I think I'll continue now anyway; in a form that doesn't require so much time, (if I can manage it).
Extra: I have two new pics in the fan art gallery! One from Lefarce of Lefarce (and numerous other comics here at DD), and the other from Ryan Glass of Short Bus Brothel! Ryan's pic is of a truly boobular Pinky in the style of The MAXX's Sam Kieth. Lefarce's pic is a hilarious illustration of a dream I posted in the forums here.
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