Pinky TA
Part 7 page 38

Author notes

Part 7 page 38


Page description:
Boggle-eye monobrow and smirky beardyman… Well these two meet an untimely end. Probably best since I doubt they had very good intentions toward our pink-haired heroine. Boggle-eye's knives come in handy though. Then out of the dark and into the light…

1 month! Meant to be done yesterday, but what can ya do?
I loved painting this page… digitally painting it of course… but not the tiger tromper. That thing is a fooking nightmare from woah to GO! Boggle-eye monobrow and smirky scratchy beardy aren't negative racial stereotypes either, they're negative stereotypes of the sort of people who have certain bad intentions. ;)

I have some news…
*FIRSTLY, Skool and I are doing a weekly podcast for Drunk Duck, where we talk about comic features and some other stuff. We've been doing them for around 6 weeks now and when this page goes live, THOSE should finally be going live on their own page HERE.
Alternatively there should be a link on the right, near twitter and faceduck.

*SECONDLY, I'm in the early stages of planning to have a table at the San Diego Comic Con in July 2011. Gonna split the costs with some other comic artists… If you wanna organise something or set up with us, I'm organising it through my facebook thingo for now: LINK.
I'd love to meet some of you guys and help you show off your work.

*THIRDLY, if you're one of the few people in the world that has a new Nokia phone with that Ovi os, I made an app for it using a free app maker… it's just an update feed for Pinky TA. Get that HERE

Lastly… I love you ALL and I'm always eternally grateful for all the love and comments you give my silly comic. Thank you for you loyalty and taking the time to write nice things about my work. I always appreciate it and it makes these worth doing ^___^


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