Pinky TA
Part 7 page 41

Author notes

Part 7 page 41


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Ace is out of normal rocket range… But Pinky is clever. She manages to fool Mr Kincaid into a very false sense of security with her very tricky rocket shot. Turns out a rocket with no juice left can still get to where it can do damage. Is Ace hurt? Sounds like it, but then men are wimps, so you never know.

I looked at how real rockets appear when fired… they all look a bit different depending on the propellant. Pinky's rocket looks like this. Could you do that with a real one? I doubt it. The wind would have to be REALLY strong and you'd need the observational skills of an eagle paired with the mind of a computer. Not even Pinky is that amazing, so let's just chalk this up to an extremely lucky shot, riding on the edges of intuition and divine inspiration.

Listen to the Quackcast!. This week we had a very long talk with the programmer and the designer behind the new version of Drunk Duck that's coming out! Hope that answers some of people's burning questions! Bloody Quackcast stuff is why this took 4 weeks instead of 3. Plus preview site dramas.
I changed the html design here a bit…


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